CHI Publication Formats

CHI Publication Formats

  • We will be using The ACM Publication System (TAPS) process.
  • The correct template for submission is: single-column Word Submission Template or single-column LaTeX (For an anonymous submission use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart}. For all others use \documentclass[manuscript,review]{acmart}).
  • The correct template for publication (i.e., after conditional acceptance) in the DL is: single-column Word Submission Template or LaTeX template (\documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}).
  • Both papers and extended abstracts will use the same publication format.
  • There are no page length limits for papers. Length should be commensurate with its contribution. There are page limits for extended abstracts.
  • You can download the Word/LaTeX Primary Article templates and you can see some example papers using the TAPS-compatible Word and LaTeX templates.

CHI 2022 will again use the ACM Primary Article Templates AND Publication Workflow for publication of BOTH the proceedings and extended abstracts. This ACM page gives a rationale behind this choice. Additional Information is also provided on this page. 

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CHI 2022 Proceedings Formats

We will follow the workflow defined by the ACM, so please read the instructions on the ACM page carefully. The ACM workflow requests authors to produce final publications (PDF and HTML5) by themselves using TAPS. You can see examples of what the new template looks like for different lengths of papers here.

1)  Authors prepare their manuscript in the designated single-column format in PDF using Word or LaTeX. LaTeX users should use \documentclass[manuscript, review]{acmart}. For an anonymous submission use \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart} to replace the authors for “ANONYMOUS AUTHOR(S)”. The authors then submit the PDF and the source files via PCS. Reviewers will review the papers in the single-column format. There is no minimum or maximum length imposed on papers (for extended abstracts, please see the specific call for participation). Rather, reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a paper relative to its length. Redundant or verbose writing is strongly discouraged. Here you can see some example papers.

2)  Upon conditional acceptance of an article, authors revise the manuscript and submit publication-ready source files (Word or LaTeX) to PCS. We will announce further instructions on the Publication-ready Author Instructions page.


CHI 2022 Extended Abstract Formats

The traditional extended abstract format (landscape) was discontinued last year. We now use the standard single-column format for any submission to CHI regardless of the venue. Please read and follow the instructions above.

An important difference is that THERE ARE PAGE LIMITS for venues other than papers (calculated using the single-column submission format). Please follow the instructions in the respective call for participation regarding page limits.

Digital Accessibility

The CHI conference committee is asking all authors to work on improving the accessibility of their submissions. Please see the Guide to an Accessible Submission for more details.


If you have any questions or concerns with regards to publication templates, please contact CHI 2022 Publications chairs

Additional Information on the New Publication Workflow

A key motivation behind the new ACM publication workflow is to support multi-format representations (here is an example). To that end, ACM decided to move to a new publishing culture that separates content from presentation. Another motivation is to reduce the manual work and resulting costs of editors to detect and fix problems in manuscripts for production. TAPS and the new template automate many tasks that have been done manually in the past. Below, we provide additional details caused by the change. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found at the bottom.

A critical aspect of this change is that what the reviewers see during reviewing (single-column) is different from what the final publications look like (two-column). This is a change in the process that we have followed before. See FAQ below for details.

Another critical aspect of the new workflow is that page length is no longer the measure of the size of submissions. We have considered word or character counts as alternative measurements, but unfortunately, there is no established, consistent way to count them. Different tools have different ways of counting words and characters. So, CHI has decided to remove the hard size limit from paper submissions. However, this does not mean that authors are allowed to waste readers’ time with redundant and verbose writing. Authors and reviewers are expected to work together to keep papers concise. The longer the paper is, the more significant the contribution must be. A paper that extends beyond the typical length (see our example papers for typical page lengths in single-column and two-column submission) will be scrutinized in particular detail.

Another related change is that we have discontinued the traditional CHI extended abstract format (landscape). We use the same format as full papers (portrait) for submissions to any CHI venue. The authors submit proposals in the ACM’s submission format  (1-column PDF). If accepted, the authors upload publication-ready source files (single-column Word or two-column LaTeX) to TAPS. TAPS will then generate the two-column PDF and responsive HTML5 document. 

Any transition of this significance will require the work of people to adopt new practices. We recognize that some authors and reviewers will bear more of this work than others. We appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation. To be better prepared, we strongly encourage authors to test the new template early and familiarize themselves with it. If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to We are happy to provide you with help and support.

A SIGCHI diagram highlighting the different people and systems involved in publication.
Figure 1. A SIGCHI diagram highlighting the different people and systems involved in publication.

Figure 1 shows a diagram made by SIGCHI that presents the publication process. The Publication-Ready Author Instructions page will explain the workflow in more detail.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s the motivation for this change?

A: There are multiple motivations for us to adopt TAPS and the new templates associated with them. First, it allows us to create documents that are mobile adaptive and more accessible overall. Second, it helps our work become more discoverable in the ACM Digital Library. Third, it brings us into alignment with other ACM SIGs and conferences, allowing staff to focus on one, improved process. Fourth, it removes some dependencies and costly manual processes we have had in terms of making papers ready for publication.


Q: What was the decision-making process?

A: ACM has been working on transitioning to this new workflow for several years, following industry standards in publishing. Other SIGCHI conferences have been successfully transitioning to this workflow. SIGCHI then decided to follow it for CHI. Following the experience of CHI 2021, the CHI 2022 committee decided to follow the new workflow with the authors producing the final publication (version of record) PDF and HTML5 using TAPS.


Q: It is really important for me to have full control over the final layout and the WYSIWYG feature of Word is critical. Will I lose such control in the new workflow? 

A: No, authors do not lose control over the final layout. The proofs generated by TAPS still need to be validated by the authors and, once the proofs have been generated, authors can choose to retract and resubmit if they choose to make changes to the layout. For authors who have their paper accepted, they will be able to upload both source and a PDF to TAPS which will be added to the ACM DL as supplementary material.


Q: Can I review a paper in the same format that appears in the final publication?

A: No. The single-column review format has been optimized for the TAPS workflow and has been used successfully in many ACM conferences. We are trying to move away from maintaining rogue formats and to make publication workflow consistent across many ACM venues. Furthermore, TAPS relies on ACM templates, which do not include a two-column Word template. For the sake of consistency across submissions, all authors submit in the single-column format.


Q: What figure size shall I use in the single-column submission?

A: In general, authors should put figures in the single-column submission in a size equal to the size to appear in the final two-column publication version to avoid re-creating figures for the final two-column version. Column-wide (0.5-page width) figures in the final publication should appear as 0.5-page-width figures in the submission, leaving 0.5-page blank space. Page-wide (1-page width) figures in the final publication should appear as 1-page-width figures in the submission. However, authors are free to choose different figure layouts/sizes for initial single-column submission and final two-column submission in order to improve readability (e.g., the horizontal arrangement of sub-figures for single-column and vertical arrangement of sub-figures for two-column format).


Q: Extended abstract venues impose page length limits to submissions. How shall I count page length? In single-column (submission) or two-column (final publication) format?

A: Page length should be counted in the single-column format (submission format in pdf). The same page length limit is applied when accepted authors prepare publication-ready source files. The authors do not have direct control over the page length of the final publication (pdf and HTML produced by TAPS), so the length of the final publication may vary.


Q: Will this have as many problems as previous template changes?

A: ACM and CHI have been working on moving to new templates since CHI2019. Previous template changes have had problems, and/or cost significant money to fix. While there will likely be some friction as we change a major process, everyone involved has learned lessons from these early challenges. As always, your template chairs are ready to help you in case you run into problems.


Q: In the publication-ready form, is it really true that Word users submit single-column source files and LaTeX users submit two-column source files (“sigconf” style)? It seems to be contradictory.

A: Yes it is true. The TAPS system takes a single-column Word source and two-column LaTeX source and then generates a two-column PDF and single-column HTML5 in both cases.


Q: Can you please explain how to configure Overleaf?


  1. Go to the “Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) – Official Primary Article Templates” in Overleaf
  2. Since CHI is a conference, click on the ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Template.
  3. Delete the following files:
    1. sample-lualatex.tex
    2. sample-sigconf.tex
    3. sample-xelatex.tex
    4. sample-franklin.png
    5. acmart.pdf
  4. Go to the file sample-authordraft.tex
    1. As an option, you can use the “review” and “anonymous” styles: \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart}
      1. The review option adds line numbers to your paper
      2. The anonymous option replaces the authors section for “ANONYMOUS AUTHOR(S)”. In case of blind submission, please remember that your submission must be anonymized whether you use this style or not.
  5. There are other files that you may delete or replace later:
    1. sample-base.bib: this is a sample bibliography. You can create your own bib file and use it for your references.
    2. sample-franklin.png: this is a sample png image. You will delete and replace it later with your proper figures.

Now you are ready to begin. You can rename your files if you want.

Any of your questions have not been answered yet? Please, contact


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