Selecting a Subcommittee

Selecting a Subcommittee


CHI 2022 anticipates more than 3,000 Papers submissions. The review process needs to handle this load while also providing high-quality reviews, which requires that each submission is handled by an expert Associate Chair (AC) who can recruit expert reviewers. The organization of the CHI program committee into topical subcommittees helps achieve this. See the description of the Papers review process for a detailed explanation of the responsibilities of the ACs and Subcommittee Chairs (SCs).

Authors should examine what constitutes a contribution to SIGCHI and recognize that there are many different types of contribution possible for a SIGCHI paper.

Notes on Composition of Subcommittees

Once abstracts are submitted, individual subcommittees may grow or shrink based on the number of probable papers for that subcommittee. As in previous years, the paper chairs will be undertaking a survey to detail the diversity for each subcommittee. Please see, for example, this blog post on Diversity of the Program Committee for CHI 2020 which was published in July 2019.

Authors are required to suggest a subcommittee to review your submission. This page provides guidance on choosing the appropriate subcommittees for your submission.

List of the Subcommittees

Sixteen subcommittees are listed and described below. Each has a title, short description, and an indication of who will Chair and serve on the subcommittee and if a subcommittee consists of multiple tracks. Subcommittees have been constructed with an eye to maintaining logically coherent clusters of topics.

Subcommittee Selection Process

When you submit a Paper, you can designate up to two appropriate subcommittees for your submission. In the vast majority of cases, the subcommittee that will review your submission is one of the two subcommittees that you proposed. In cases where the Papers Chairs and/or Subcommittee Chairs recognize that your submission will be reviewed more thoroughly in another subcommittee, a submission may be transferred from one subcommittee to another. If a submission is transferred to another subcommittee, this will happen in the first week of the process, before reviewers are assigned; i.e., transferring will not affect a submission’s review process, it will only ensure that it receives the most complete, fair set of reviews.

Below, you will see a list of subcommittees and descriptions of the topics they are covering, the name of each SC, and the names of the ACs serving on each subcommittee. It is your responsibility to select the subcommittee that best matches the expertise needed to assess your research and that you believe will most fully appreciate your contribution to the field of HCI.

CHI has traditionally supported diverse and interdisciplinary work and continues to expand into new topics not previously explored. We recognize that as a result, you may find more than two subcommittees which are plausible matches for your work. However, for a number of reasons, it will be necessary for you to select no more than two target subcommittees, and you should strive to find the best matches based on what you think is the main contribution of your submission (examples of papers that are considered good matches are linked below for each subcommittee). You can also email the SCs for guidance if you are unsure (an email alias is provided below for each set of SCs).

Note that the scope of each subcommittee is not rigidly defined. Each has a broad mandate, and most subcommittees cover a collection of different topics. Further, SCs and ACs are all seasoned researchers, experienced with program committee review work, and each is committed to a process which seeks to assign each paper reviewers who are true experts in whatever the subject matter of the paper is. ACs recognize that many papers, or perhaps even most papers, will not perfectly fit the definition of their subcommittee’s scope. Consequently, papers will not be penalized or downgraded because they do not align perfectly with a particular subcommittee. Interdisciplinary, multi-topic, and cross-topic papers are encouraged and will be carefully and professionally judged by all subcommittees.

In making a subcommittee choice you should make careful consideration of what the most central and salient contribution of your work is, even if there are several different contributions. As an example, let’s say you are writing a paper about Ergonomic Business Practices for the Elderly using Novel Input Devices. Perhaps this is a very new topic. It covers a lot of ground. It’s not an exact fit for any of the subcommittees, but several choices are plausible. To choose between them, you need to make a reasoned decision about the core contributions of your work. Should it be evaluated in terms of the usage context for the target user community? The novel methodology developed for your study? The system and interaction techniques you have developed? Each of these evaluation criteria may partially apply, but try to consider which is most central and which you most want to highlight for your readers. Also look at the subcommittees, the people who will serve on them, and the kind of work they have been associated with in the past. Even if there are several subcommittees that could offer fair and expert assessments of this work, go with the one that really fits the most important and novel contributions of your paper. That committee will be in the best position to offer constructive and expert review feedback on the contributions of your research.

Each subcommittee description also links to several recent CHI papers that the SCs feel are good examples of papers that fit the scope of that subcommittee. Please look at these examples as a way to decide on the best subcommittee for your paper – but remember that these are just a few examples, and do not specify the full range of topics that would fit with any subcommittee.

User Experience and Usability

This subcommittee is suitable for papers that extend the knowledge, practices, methods, components, and tools that make technology more useful, usable, and desirable. Successful papers will present results, practical approaches, tools, technologies, and research methods that demonstrably advance our understanding, design, and evaluation of user experience and/or usability. The focus is on usability and user experience of widely used technologies with contributions being judged substantially on the basis of their demonstrable potential for effective reuse and applicability across a range of application domains or across a range of design, research, and user communities.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Lynne Baillie, Heriot-Watt University
  • Magy Seif El-Nasr, University of California at Santa Cruz
  • Effie Law, University of Leicester
  • Eduardo Velloso, University of Melbourne


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Erica Kleinman, University of California at Santa Cruz
  • Qiushi Zhou, The University of Melbourne

Associate Chairs

  • Abdallah El Ali, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam
  • Ahmed Sabbir Arif, University of California, Merced
  • Lonni Besancon, Monash University
  • Mark Billinghurst, University of South Australia
  • Max Birk, Eindhoven Unversity of Technology
  • Daniel Buschek, University of Bayreuth, Germany
  • Clara Caldeira, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Elin Carstendottir, University of California at Santa Cruz
  • Jinghui Cheng, Polytechnique Montreal
  • Erin Cherry, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems
  • Tanja Döring, University of Bremen
  • Jennifer Ferreira, Victoria University of Wellington
  • Alisa Frik, Berkeley
  • Peter Frohlich, AIT
  • Markus Funk, Cerence GmbH
  • Jan Gugenheimer, IP-Paris (Telecom-Paris)
  • Benjamin Hanrahan, Pennsylvania State University
  • Nyi Nyi Htun, KU Leuven
  • Stephen Intille, Northeastern University
  • Hans-Christian Jetter, University of Lübeck
  • Anirudha Joshi, IIT Bombay
  • Auk Kim, Kangwon National University
  • Thomas Kosch, TU Darmstadt
  • Sandeep Kaur Kuttal, University of Tulsa
  • Danielle Lottridge, University of Auckland
  • Andres Lucero, Aalto University
  • Karola Marky, University of Glasgow
  • Alexander Meschtscherjakov, University of Salzburg
  • Nicholas Micallef, New York University
  • Ken Pfeuffer, Aarhus University
  • Claudio Pinhanez, IBM Research
  • Henning Pohl, University of Copenhagen
  • Andreas Riener, TH Ingolstadt
  • Sabirat Rubya, Marquette University
  • Enrico Rukzio, University of Ulm
  • Zhanna Sarsenbayeva, University of Melbourne
  • Martin Schmitz, TU Darmstadt
  • Aneesha Singh, University College London
  • Benjamin Tag, University of Melbourne
  • Joe Tulio, Facebook
  • Teija Vainio, Aalto University
  • Elizabeth Veinott, Michigan Technological University
  • Alex C. Williams, University of Tennessee
  • Kening Zhu, City University Hong Kong

Example Papers

Specific Applications Areas

This subcommittee is suitable for papers that extend knowledge of how to design, build, deploy, and/or study technologies for specific application areas, user groups, or domains of interest to the HCI community, that are not explicitly covered by another subcommittee. Example application areas and user groups are listed below. Submissions will be evaluated in part based on their impact on the specific application area and/or user group that they address, in addition to their impact on the HCI community and the quality of the research methods employed

Example user groups: people in low- and middle-income countries, charities and third sector organizations, marginal/marginalized population, workers, people with disabilities, non-human stakeholders (such as insects, animals), farmers, and children.

Example application areas: ICTD, HCI4D, creativity, making and fabrication, home, participatory/participative cultures, rural communities, smart and connected communities, transportation, urban informatics, health of marginalized groups, civic engagement, intimate interaction, child-computer interaction, and animal computer interaction.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Brian Bailey, University of Illinois
  • Shamsi Iqbal, Microsoft Research


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Sneha Krishna Kumaran, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Associate Chairs

  • Emeline Brulé, University of Sussex
  • Priyank Chandra, University of Toronto
  • Adrian Clear, National University of Ireland
  • Afsaneh Doryab, University of Virginia
  • Carrie Demmans Epp, University of Alberta
  • Aakash Gautam, San Francisco State University
  • Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, University of Glasgow
  • Simo Hosio, University of Oulu
  • Bran Knowles, Lancaster University
  • Hidy Kong, Seattle University
  • Celine Latulipe, University of Manitoba
  • Sang Won Lee, Virginia Tech
  • Andrii Matviienko, Technical University Darmstadt
  • Matthew Louis Mauriello, University of Delaware
  • Fabio Morreale, University of Auckland
  • Florian Mueller, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  • Rita Orji, Dalhousie University
  • Noopur Ravel, New York University
  • Ali Agha Raza, Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Carolin Reichherzer, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Briane Paul V. Samson, De La Salle University
  • Pushpendra Singh, IIIT-Delhi
  • Sowmya Somanath, University of Victoria
  • Aditya Vashistha, Cornell University
  • Paweł W. Woźniak, Utrecht University
  • Svetlana Yarosh, University of Minnesota
  • Chuang-Wen You, National Tsing Hua University

Example Papers

Learning, Education, and Families

The “Learning and Education” component of this subcommittee is suitable for contributions that deepen our understanding of how to design, build, deploy, and/or study technologies for learning processes and in educational settings. Topics may include (but are not limited to) intelligent tutoring systems; multimedia interfaces for learning; learning analytics; systems for collaborative learning and social discussion; technology-supported learning; teacher/educator-facing designs; and tangible learning interfaces. These may be suitable for a variety of settings: online learning, learning at scale; primary, secondary, and higher education; informal learning in museums, libraries, homes, and after-school settings.

The “Families” component of this subcommittee is suitable for contributions that extend design and understanding of how children, parents, and families interact with technology. Topics may include (but are not limited to) a wide range of domains that span health and well-being, social, psychological, and cultural phenomena.

While submissions will be evaluated on their impact on the specific application and/or group that they address, papers must also make a substantial contribution to HCI. In reflecting on their paper’s potential contribution to HCI, authors may wish to examine past proceedings; see the Contributions to CHI page.

This subcommittee is intended to handle many of the papers that went to and were reviewed under a split of Specific Applications Areas in CHI 2018 and earlier.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Erin Walker, University of Pittsburgh
  • Juho Kim, KAIST


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Hyungyu Shin, KAIST

Associate Chairs

  • Pengcheng An, University of Waterloo
  • Lisa Anthony, University of Florida
  • Minsuk Chang, Naver AI Lab
  • Min Chi, North Carolina State University
  • Hadas Erel, IDC Herzliya
  • Min Fan, Communication University of China
  • Dilrukshi Gamage, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Radhika Garg, Syracuse University
  • Gahgen Gweon, Seoul National University
  • Alexis Hiniker, University of Washington, Seattle
  • Dominic Kao, Purdue University
  • Ahmed Kharrufa, Newcastle University
  • Rene Kizilcec, Cornell
  • Monica Landoni, USI
  • Duri Long, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Michelle Lui, University of Toronto Mississauga
  • Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Monash University
  • Toni-Jan Keith Monserrat, University of the Philippines Los Baños
  • Briana Morrison, University of Virginia
  • Vineet Pandey, Harvard University
  • Anthony Pellicone, University of Maryland
  • Gabriela Richard, Penn State University
  • Jessica Roberts, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Elisa Rubegni, Lancaster University
  • Angela Stewart, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Selen Turkay, Queensland Univeristy of Technology
  • Judith Odili Uchidiuno, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Xu Wang, University of Michigan
  • Ben Xie, University of Washington, Seattle

Example Papers

Interaction Beyond the Individual

This subcommittee is suitable for papers that contribute to our understanding of collaborative technologies for groups, organizations, communities, and networks. Successful submissions will advance knowledge, theories, and insights from the social, psychological, behavioral, and organizational practice that arise from technology use in various contexts. This subcommittee is also suitable for submissions describing collaborative or crowdsourcing tools or systems.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Amanda Hughes, Brigham Young University
  • Sven Mayer, LMU Munich


Associate Chairs

  • Tawfiq Ammari, Rutgers University
  • Nazanin Andalibi, University of Michigan School of Information
  • Ahmer Arif, University of Texas at Austin
  • Niels van Berkel, Aalborg University
  • Jed R. Brubaker, CU Boulder
  • Stevie Chancellor, University of Minnesota
  • Munmun De Choudhury, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Chia-Fang (Christina) Chung, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Casey Dugan, IBM
  • Motahhare Eslami, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Susan Fussell, Cornell University
  • Tesh Goyal, Jigsaw, Google
  • Shion Guha, University of Toronto
  • Danula Hettiachchi, RMIT University
  • Marion Koelle, Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus
  • Henrik Korsgaard, Aarhus University
  • Yao Li, University of Central Florida
  • Yelena Mejova, ISI Foundation
  • Elizabeth Murnane, Dartmouth College
  • Thomas Olsson, Tampere University
  • Alexandra Papoutsaki, Pomona College
  • Fabiano Pinatti, University of Siegen
  • Robert Soden, University of Toronto
  • Jacob Thebault-Spieker, University of Wisconsin
  • Matthieu Tixier, University of Troyes
  • Ingmar Weber, Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU
  • Haiyi Zhu, Carnegie Mellon University

Example Papers

Games and Play

This subcommittee is suitable for papers across all areas of playful interaction, player experience, and games. Examples of topics include: game interaction and interfaces, playful systems (e.g., toys, books, leisure), the design and development of games (including serious games and gamification), player experience evaluation (player psychology, games user research, and game analytics), the study of player and developer communities, and understanding play.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Elisa Mekler, Aalto University
  • Annika Waern, Uppsala University


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Laia Turmo Vidal, Uppsala University

Associate Chairs

  • Elizabeth Bonsignore, University of Maryland, College Park/HCIL
  • Oğuz ‘Oz’ Buruk, Tampere University
  • Alena Denisova, City University London
  • Jeannete Falk, University of Salzburg
  • Guo Freeman, Clemson University
  • T.C. Nicholas Graham, Queen’s University
  • Sabine Harrer, Uppsala University, University of Vienna
  • Casper Harteveld, Northeastern University
  • Maximus Kaos, University of Southern Denmark
  • Madison Klarkowski, University of Saskatchewan
  • Simone Kriglstein, Masaryk University
  • Conor Linehan, University of Cork
  • Zhicong Lu, City University of Hong Kong
  • Joe Marshall, University of Nottingham
  • Cody Phillips, University of Saskatchewan
  • Katja Rogers, University of Waterloo
  • Melissa Rogerson, University of Melbourne
  • Alexandra To, Northeastern University
  • April Tyack, Aalto University
  • Günter Wallner, Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • Richard Wetzel, HS Lucerne
  • Jichen Zhu, ITU Copenhagen

Example Papers

Privacy and Security

This subcommittee is suitable for papers relating to privacy and security. This includes but is not limited to: new techniques/systems/technologies, evaluations of existing/new systems, lessons learned from real-world deployments, foundational research identifying important theoretical and/or design insight for the community, etc. Submissions will be judged based on the contribution they make to privacy and security as well as their impact on HCI. For instance, papers that focus on technical contributions will need to show the relationship of the contribution to humans and user experience.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Apu Kapadia, Indiana University
  • Marshini Chetty, University of Chicago


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Imtiaz Ahmad, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Sabid Bin Habib, Indiana University Bloomington

Associate Chairs

  • Yasemin Acar, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
  • Mary Jean Amon, University of Central Florida
  • Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Zinaida Benenson, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Lynne Coventry, Northumbria University
  • Sanchari Das, University of Denver
  • Mohamed Khamis, University of Glasgow
  • Katharina Krombholz, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security (Saarbrücken, Germany)
  • Janne Lindqvist, Aalto University
  • Nora McDonald, University of Cincinnati
  • Mainack Mondal, IIT Kharagpur
  • Alena Naiakshina, University of Bonn
  • Florian Schaub, University of Michigan
  • Kent Seamons, Brigham Young University
  • Eran Toch, Tel Aviv University
  • Blase Ur, University of Chicago
  • Yaxing Yao, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Google Inc.

Example Papers


The Visualization subcommittee welcomes papers from all areas of data visualization and visual analytics. This includes, but is not limited to, new visualization or interaction techniques/systems/technologies, evaluations of existing or new visualization systems and techniques, groundwork identifying important theories or insights for the community, and lessons learned from real-world deployments. Submissions will be judged based on the contribution they make to visualization as well as their impact on HCI. For example, papers that focus on technical contributions need to show how these relate to humans and user experience.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Bongshin Lee, Microsoft Research
  • Matt Kay, Northwestern University


Associate Chairs

  • Benjamin Bach, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Enrico Bertini, Northeastern University
  • Zoya Bylinskii, Adobe Research
  • Christopher Collins, Ontario Tech University
  • Weiwei Cui, Microsoft Research Asia
  • Raimund Dachselt, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Tim Dwyer, Monash University, Australia
  • Lane Harrison, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Yea-Seul Kim, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Bum Chul Kwon, IBM Research
  • Shixia Liu, Tsinghua University
  • Narges Mahyar, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Justin Matejka, Autodesk Research
  • Miriah Meyer, Linköping University
  • Tamara Munzner, University of British Columbia
  • Miguel A. Nacenta, University of Victoria
  • Adam Perer, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Charles Perin, University of Victoria
  • Khairi Reda, Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis
  • Arvind Satyanarayan, MIT CSAIL
  • Michael Sedlmair, University of Stuttgart
  • Vidya Setlur, Tableau Research, Palo Alto, CA
  • Danielle Albers Szafir, University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill
  • Melanie Tory, Northeastern University
  • Chat Wacharamanotham, University of Zurich
  • Emily Wall, Emory University

Example Papers


This subcommittee is suitable for contributions related to health, wellness, and medicine, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being, clinical environments, self-management, and everyday wellness. Accepted papers will balance the rigor required in all CHI submissions with awareness of the challenges of conducting research in these challenging contexts. The research problem can be grounded in both formal and informal health and care contexts. Submissions to this subcommittee will be evaluated in part based on their inclusion of and potential impact on their stakeholders. We welcome papers that are empirical, theoretical, conceptual, methodological, design, and systems contributions. Papers must have a clear and novel contribution to HCI in terms of our understanding of people’s interaction with technology in a healthcare context, or the design of health and wellness technologies. For example, systematic reviews or usability studies associated with clinical trials must also have contributions for the HCI community.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Eun Kyoung Choe, University of Maryland College Park
  • Gavin Doherty, Trinity College Dublin
  • Lauren Wilcox, Google; Georgia Tech
  • Greg Wadley, University of Melbourne


Associate Chairs

  • Elena Agapie, UC Irvine
  • Asa Cajander, Uppsala University
  • David Coyle, University College Dublin
  • Elizabeth Eikey, UC San Diego
  • Pin Sym Foong, National University of Singapore
  • Ashley Griffin, Stanford University
  • Kyungsik Han, Hanyang University
  • Thuong N. Hoang, Deakin University
  • Matthew Hong, Toyota Research Institute
  • Jina Huh-Yoo, Drexel University
  • Ravi Karkar, University of Washington
  • Ryan M. Kelly, University of Melbourne
  • Aqueasha Martin-Hammond, Indiana University
  • Terika McCall, Yale
  • Jochen Meyer, OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology
  • Andrew Miller, Indiana University (IUPUI)
  • Troels Mønsted, Roskilde University
  • Kellie Morrisey, University of Limerick
  • Aisling O’Kane, University of Bristol
  • Jessica Pater, Parkview Research Center
  • Bernd Ploderer, Qld University of Technology
  • Herman Saksono, Harvard University
  • Petr Slovak, Kings College London
  • Nadir Weibel, UC San Diego
  • Stephanie Wilson, City University, London

Example Papers

  • Reem Talhouk, Sandra Mesmar, Anja Thieme, Madeline Balaam, Patrick Olivier, Chaza Akik, and Hala Ghattas. 2016. Syrian Refugees and Digital Health in Lebanon: Opportunities for Improving Antenatal Health. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’16). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 331–342. DOI:
  • Edward Jay Wang, Junyi Zhu, Mohit Jain, Tien-Jui Lee, Elliot Saba, Lama Nachman, and Shwetak N. Patel. 2018. Seismo: Blood Pressure Monitoring using Built-in Smartphone Accelerometer and Camera. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper 425, 1–9. DOI:
  • Elizabeth Stowell, Mercedes C. Lyson, Herman Saksono, Reneé C. Wurth, Holly Jimison, Misha Pavel, and Andrea G. Parker. 2018. Designing and Evaluating mHealth Interventions for Vulnerable Populations: A Systematic Review. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper 15, 1–17. DOI:
  • Eric B. Hekler, Predrag Klasnja, Jon E. Froehlich, and Matthew P. Buman. 2013. Mind the theoretical gap: interpreting, using, and developing behavioral theory in HCI research. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’13). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 3307–3316. DOI:
  • Kevin Doherty, José Marcano-Belisario, Martin Cohn, Nikolaos Mastellos, Cecily Morrison, Josip Car, and Gavin Doherty. 2019. Engagement with Mental Health Screening on Mobile Devices: Results from an Antenatal Feasibility Study. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper 186, 1–15. DOI:
  • Yuhan Luo, Peiyi Liu, and Eun Kyoung Choe. 2019. Co-Designing Food Trackers with Dietitians: Identifying Design Opportunities for Food Tracker Customization. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Paper 592, 1–13. DOI:
  • Marcela C. C. Bomfim, Sharon I. Kirkpatrick, Lennart E. Nacke, and James R. Wallace. 2020. Food Literacy while Shopping: Motivating Informed Food Purchasing Behaviour with a Situated Gameful App. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–13. DOI: 
  • Elizabeth L. Murnane, Xin Jiang, Anna Kong, Michelle Park, Weili Shi, Connor Soohoo, Luke Vink, Iris Xia, Xin Yu, John Yang-Sammataro, Grace Young, Jenny Zhi, Paula Moya, and James A. Landay. 2020. Designing Ambient Narrative-Based Interfaces to Reflect and Motivate Physical Activity. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–14. DOI:
  • Emma Beede, Elizabeth Baylor, Fred Hersch, Anna Iurchenko, Lauren Wilcox, Paisan Ruamviboonsuk, and Laura M. Vardoulakis. 2020. A Human-Centered Evaluation of a Deep Learning System Deployed in Clinics for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–12. DOI:
  • Maximilian Dürr, Carla Gröschel, Ulrike Pfeil, and Harald Reiterer. 2020. NurseCare: Design and ‘In-The-Wild’ Evaluation of a Mobile System to Promote the Ergonomic Transfer of Patients. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–13. DOI:
  • Sachin R Pendse, Amit Sharma, Aditya Vashistha, Munmun De Choudhury, and Neha Kumar. 2021. “Can I Not Be Suicidal on a Sunday?”: Understanding Technology-Mediated Pathways to Mental Health Support. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 545, 1–16. DOI:
  • Ryan M. Kelly, Yueyang Cheng, Dana McKay, Greg Wadley, and George Buchanan. 2021. “It’s About Missing Much More Than the People”: How Students use Digital Technologies to Alleviate Homesickness. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 226, 1–17. DOI:
  • Xi Lu, Tera L. Reynolds, Eunkyung Jo, Hwajung Hong, Xinru Page, Yunan Chen, and Daniel A. Epstein. 2021. Comparing Perspectives Around Human and Technology Support for Contact Tracing. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 200, 1–15. DOI:
  • Cassidy Pyle, Lee Roosevelt, Ashley Lacombe-Duncan, and Nazanin Andalibi. 2021. LGBTQ Persons’ Pregnancy Loss Disclosures to Known Ties on Social Media: Disclosure Decisions and Ideal Disclosure Environments. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 543, 1–17. DOI:

Accessibility and Aging

This subcommittee is suitable for contributions related to the design or study of technology for people with disabilities and/or older adults. Accessibility papers are those that deal with technology design for or use by people with disabilities including sensory, motor, and cognitive impairments. Aging papers are broadly categorized as those dealing with technology design for or use by people in the later stages of life. Relationships with technology are complex and multifaceted; we welcome contributions across a range of topics aimed at benefiting relevant stakeholder groups and not solely limited to concerns of making technology accessible. Note that if your paper primarily concerns interactions with health data or with healthcare providers, then the Health subcommittee is probably a better fit, whereas papers reflecting on how technologies are used and/or designing interfaces and interactions suited to specific needs are better suited for this subcommittee. We strongly suggest that authors review this Accessible Writing Guide in order to adopt a writing style that refers to stakeholder groups using appropriate terminology. Submissions to this subcommittee will be evaluated in part based on their inclusion of and potential impact on their target user groups and other stakeholders. This subcommittee balances the rigor required in all CHI submissions with awareness of the challenges of conducting research in these important areas. This subcommittee welcomes all contributions related to accessibility, and aging, including empirical, theoretical, conceptual, methodological, design, and systems contributions.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Cosmin Munteanu, University of Toronto Mississauga
  • Aisling Kelliher, Virginia Tech


Associate Chairs

  • Vero Vanden Abeele, KU Leuven
  • Dragan Ahmetovic, University of Milan
  • Josep Blat, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Danielle Bragg, Microsoft Research
  • Robin Brewer, University of Michigan
  • Michael Crabb, University of Dundee
  • Mingming Fan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Benjamin Gorman, Bournemouth University
  • Anhong Guo, University of Michigan
  • Foad Hamidi, University of Maryland
  • Yasamin Heshmat, Electronic Arts
  • Wilko Heuten, OFFIS Institute for IT
  • Sooyeon Lee, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Wanda Li, University of Guelph
  • Kathleen McCoy, University of Delaware
  • Timothy Neate, King’s College London
  • Vania Neris, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil
  • Emma Nicol, University of Strathclyde
  • Teresa K. O’Leary, Northeastern University
  • Fabio Paterno, CNR Italy
  • Helen Petrie, University of York
  • Kyle Rector, University of Iowa
  • Sayan Sarcar, Birmingham City University
  • Sergio Sayago, Universitat de Lleida
  • Laurianne Sitbon, Queensland University of Technology Brisbane
  • Frank Steinicke, University of Hamburg
  • Jenny Waycott, University of Melbourne
  • Shaomei Wu, Facebook

Example Papers


This subcommittee is suitable for papers that make a significant designerly contribution to HCI. Papers submitted here include novel designs of interactive products, services, or systems that advance the state of the art; creation and evaluation of new design tools, processes, methods, or principles, including those that explore alternatives to scientistic ways of knowing; work that expands the scope of design thinking within HCI research or practice; work that applies perspectives from other disciplines to inspire or to critique the design of interactive things; or work that advances knowledge on the human activity of design as it relates to HCI research or practice. We particularly encourage contributions of new designs that broaden the boundaries of interaction design and promote new aesthetic and sociocultural possibilities. Examples of design approaches include : industrial/product design, visual/information design, participatory design, user-centered design, interaction design, user interface design, user experience design, service design, critical design, and design fictions. Finally, this committee encourages submission of work that addresses design research issues such as aesthetics, values, effects (such as emotion), methods, practices, critique, constructive design research, and design theory.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Christopher LeDantec, Georgia Tech
  • Anna Vallgårda, IT University of Copenhagen
  • Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield Hallam University
  • Melanie Feinberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Adriana Alvarado Garcia, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Alyssa Rumsey, Georgia Institute of Technology

Associate Chairs

  • Sarah Fdili Alaoui, LRI-Université Paris-Sud 11
  • Amid Ayobi, University of Bristol
  • Cynthia Bennett, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Maria Menendez Blanco, University of Bozen-Bolzano
  • Miguel Bruns, Eindhoven University
  • David Chatting, Goldsmiths
  • Franceli Cibrian, Chapman University
  • Eric Corbett, New York University
  • Aykut Coskun, Koc University
  • Chris Elsden, Edinburgh University
  • Jonas Fritsch, IT University of Copenhagen
  • Verena Fuchsberger, University of Salzburg
  • Maliheh Ghajargar, Malmø University
  • Elisa Giaccardi, Delft University of Technology
  • Colin Gray, Purdue
  • Ian Gwilt, University of South Australia
  • Marius Hoggenmueller, University of Sydney
  • Noura Howell, Georgia Tech
  • Woodrow Winchester III, University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Heekyoung Jung, University of Cincinnati
  • Cindy (Hsin-Liu) Kao, Cornell University
  • Rohit Ashok Khot, RMIT University
  • Laura Maye, University College Cork
  • Troy Nachtigall, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
  • Valentina Nisi, University of Madeira
  • Will Odom, Simon Fraser
  • Hyunjoo Oh, Georgia Tech
  • Parinya Punpongsanon, Osaka University
  • Amon Rapp, University of Turin
  • Maria Rosseou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Corina Sas, Lancaster University
  • Eunice Sati, UX Indonesia
  • Karin Slegers, Tilburg University
  • Davide Spallazzo, Politecnico di Milano
  • Paul Strohmeier, Saarbrücken University
  • Josh (Adi) Tedjasaputra, UX Indonesia
  • Cesar Torres, University of Texas at Arlington
  • Daisuke Uriu, Tokyo University
  • Nervo Verdezoto, Cardiff University
  • Vasilis Vlachokyriakos, Newcastle University
  • Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Namibia University of Science and Technology
  • Johanna Ylipulli, Aalto University
  • Clement Zheng, National University of Singapore

Example Papers

Building Devices: Hardware, Materials, and Fabrication

This subcommittee focuses on advances in interactive hardware, new sensing, display, and actuation approaches, developments in materials that lead to novel interactive capabilities, and new fabrication techniques. Contributions will be judged based on the novelty of the resulting hardware prototype, the quality of the implementation, and the demonstrated improvements over existing hardware through a technical evaluation and where appropriate a user study. In addition, work in this subcommittee covers design tools that extend the type of interactive hardware we can build today.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Sean Follmer, Stanford
  • Alanson Sample, University of Michigan


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Yasha Iravantchi, University of Michigan
  • Jingyi Li, Stanford University

Associate Chairs

  • Patrick Baudisch, Hasso Plattner Institute
  • Abdelkareem Bedri, Apple
  • Scott Hudson, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Alexandra Ion, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Jeeeun Kim, Texas A&M University
  • Pedro Lopes, University Chichago
  • Stefanie Mueller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Sara Nabil, Queen’s University
  • Nadya Peek, University of Washington
  • Isabel Qamar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Juergen Steimle, Saarland University
  • Michael Wessely, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Eric Whitmire, Facebook Reality Labs
  • Anusha Withana, University of Sydney
  • Xing-Dong Yang, Dartmouth College
  • Yang Zhang, University of California, Los Angeles

Example Papers

Interacting with Devices: Interaction Techniques & Modalities

This subcommittee focuses on enabling interactions using different modalities, such as touch, gestures, speech & sound, haptics & force feedback, gaze, smell, and physiological signals (e.g., heart rate, muscle tension, brain waves, and breath), on different devices (hand-held, stationary, head-mounted, wrist-mounted, in midair, on-body) and for different domains (on 2D screens, in 3D environments, as tangibles). Contributions will be judged based on the novelty of the interaction, its design rationale, and the demonstrated improvements over existing interaction techniques through evaluations.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Christian Holz, ETH Zürich
  • Eve Hoggan, Aarhus Unviersity


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Marcel Borowski, Aarhus University
  • Paul Streli, ETH Zürich

Associate Chairs

  • Joanna Bergström, Copenhagen University
  • Géry Casiez, University of Lille
  • Liwei Chan, NCTU
  • Debaleena Chattopadhyay, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Lung-Pan Cheng, NTU
  • Peggy Chi, Google
  • Céline Coutrix, CNRS
  • Jane E, UCSD
  • Aluna Everitt, University of Oxford
  • Steven Feiner, Columbia University
  • Andreas Fender, ETH Zürich
  • Tiare Feuchtner, University of Konstanz
  • Euan Freeman, University of Glasgow
  • Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University
  • Tobias Grosse-Puppendahl, Porsche
  • Michael Haller, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
  • Seongkook Heo, University of Virginia
  • Steven Houben, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
  • Pourang Irani, University of Manitoba
  • Jarrod Knibbe, University of Melbourne
  • Nataliya Kosmyna, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Daniel Leithinger, University of Colorado
  • David Lindlbauer, CMU
  • Can Liu, City University of Hong Kong
  • Nicolai Marquardt, UCL
  • Tim Merritt, Aalborg University
  • Oussama Metatla, University of Bristol
  • Mathieu Nancel, INRIA
  • Anke van Oosterhout, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
  • Diego Martinez Plasencia, UCL
  • Carmen Santoro, ISTI-CNR
  • Jo Vermeulen, Autodesk Research
  • Daniel Vogel, University of Waterloo
  • Robert Xiao, UBC

Example Papers

Blending Interaction: Engineering Interactive Systems & Tools

This subcommittee focuses on the development of novel interactive systems and “enabling” contributions, which are resources that facilitate the development of future interactive systems and inspire future interface design explorations. Interactive systems combine multiple technical components of hardware, algorithms, artificial and human intelligence, and interaction techniques. Their contributions will be judged by how well they enable and demonstrate novel interactive capabilities. “Enabling” contributions include datasets, tools, libraries, infrastructure, and languages. These contributions will be judged by how well they support the construction, engineering or validation of interactive systems and how well they can be shared among the research community to design future interactive systems.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Jessica Cauchard, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
  • Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan


Associate Chairs

  • Ofra Amir, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • Michelle Annett, MishMashMakers
  • Andrea Bianchi, KAIST
  • Lydia Chilton, Columbia University
  • Ruofei Du, Google
  • Alix Goguey, Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Jennifer Jacobs, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Joy Kim, Adobe Research
  • Ben Lafreniere, Facebook Reality Labs Research
  • Joel Lanir, University of Haifa
  • Catherine Letondal, ENAC
  • Toby Jia-Jun Li, University of Notre Dame
  • Rong-Hao Liang, TU Eindhoven
  • Cuong Nguyen, Adobe Research
  • Lora Oehlberg, University of Calgary
  • Huaishu Peng, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Kimiko Ryokai, University of California Berkeley
  • Valkyrie Savage, University of Copenhagen
  • Hijung Valentina Shin, Adobe Research
  • Ryo Suzuki, University of Calgary
  • Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
  • Lap-Fai (Craig) Yu, George Mason University
  • Amy X. Zhang, University of Washington

Example Papers

Understanding People: Theory, Concepts, and Methods

This subcommittee welcomes submissions whose primary contribution targets an improved understanding of people and/or interactional contexts. This understanding may be derived using quantitative and/or qualitative (or mixed-method) empirical research, or it may be conceptual in nature. Suitable topics for the subcommittee include but are not limited to individual behavior, human performance, as well as group, social, and collaborative behaviors. Core contributions typically take the form of insightful findings, evolved theories, models, concepts, or methods. Submissions may examine technology practices of diverse populations, and unique, understudied cultural, geographic, and socioeconomic contexts. Contributions will be evaluated for their rigor, significance, validity, and practical or theoretical contributions.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Peter Tolmie, University of Siegen
  • Neha Kumar, Georgia Tech
  • Benjamin Cowan, University College Dublin
  • Xiaojuan Ma, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Louise Barkhuus, IT University of Copenhagen
  • Jinwook Seo, Seoul National University
  • Max L. Wilson, University of Nottingham, UK


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Vishal Sharma, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Sarah Rueller, University of Siegen
  • Robert Bowman, Trinity College Dublin

Associate Chairs

  • Naseem Ahmadpour, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
  • Sultan A. Alharthi, University of Jeddah
  • Barry Brown, Stockholm University
  • Heloisa Candello, IBM Research Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Marta Cecchinato, Computer & Information Sciences, Northumbria University
  • EunJeong Cheon, Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA
  • Sai Shruthi Chivukula, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
  • Leigh Clark, Computation Foundry, Swansea University
  • Sindhu Ernala, Facebook, Menlo Park, USA
  • Casey Fiesler, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
  • Mayara Costa Figueiredo, University of California Irvine, Irvine, USA
  • Joel Fischer, Mixed Reality Lab, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham
  • Sarah Foley, School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork
  • Denae Ford, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
  • Carolina Fuentes, School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University
  • Ge Gao, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
  • Diego Garaialde, University College Dublin
  • Denise Geiskkovitch, Simon Fraser University
  • Jun Gong, Apple
  • Sandy Gould, Cardiff University
  • Antonietta Grasso, Naver Labs Europe, France
  • Xinning Gui, Penn State University
  • Youyang Hou, Google
  • Jin Huang, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Claudia-Lavinia Ignat, LORIA-Inria, Nancy, France
  • Maurice Jakesch, Cornell Tech, New York, USA
  • Kibum Kim, Hanyang University
  • Yubo Kou, Penn State University
  • Anastasia Kuzminykh, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Airi Lampinen, Stockholm University
  • Annie Lau, Macquarie University
  • Wei Li, Huawei Human-machine Interaction Lab
  • Danielle Lottridge, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Anders Sundnes Løvlie, IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Xiao Ma, Google, New York City, USA
  • Cayley MacArthur, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
  • Michael Madaio, Microsoft Research, New York, USA
  • Ville Mäkelä, University of Waterloo
  • Paul Marshall, University of Bristol
  • Akhil Mathur, Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge, UK
  • Donald McMillan, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University
  • Jasmin Niess, University of Bremen, Germany and University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • Nadia Pantidi, Victoria University of Wellington
  • Simon Perrault, Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • Bastian Pfleging, Eindhoven University of Technology (will be TU Bergakademie Freiberg from October onwards)
  • Martin Porcheron, Computational Foundry, Swansea University
  • Jessica Rahman, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
  • Sean Rintel, Microsoft Research Cambridge
  • John Rooksby, Northumbria University
  • Daniel Rough, University of Dundee
  • Mark Rouncefield, Lancaster University, UK
  • Luigi De Russis, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
  • Antti Salovaara, Aalto University
  • Angela Smith, University of Texas Austin, Austin, USA
  • Bongwon Suh, Seoul National University
  • Kentaro Toyama, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
  • Sarah Theres Völkel, LMU Munich
  • Hao-Chuan Wang, University of California Davis, Davis, USA
  • Yuntao Wang, Tsinghua University
  • Marisol Wong-Villacres, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Yukang Yan, Tsinghua University, China
  • Diyi Yang, Georgia Tech
  • Ming Yin, Purdue University
  • Xiaojun Yuan, University of Albany, Albany, USA

Example Papers

Critical Computing, Sustainability, and Social Justice

This subcommittee welcomes HCI research connected to themes of social justice, global sustainability, critical-reflective research practice, artful and aesthetic experiences, and critical computing-—all in pursuit of meaningful alternatives to the status quo. We encourage papers that explore how computing and computing research contributes to fair and just relations between individuals, social groups, and whole societies, locally and globally—all in the pursuit of fulfillment and flourishing. Submissions should feature any combination of one or more of the following:

  • Commitments to diversity/inclusion, sustainability, survivance, and social justice
  • Communication of perspectives from marginalized and unheard persons, populations, Nations
  • Attention to structural processes of power and control that produce and reproduce racialized, gendered, sexist, ableist, and colonial/postcolonial forms of violence, vulnerabilities, and exclusions
  • Challenges to and/or new analyses of received knowledge and paradigms including critical and progressive accounts of alternative epistemologies, decolonial practices and theories, indigenous knowledges, and Majority Worlds perspectives
  • Environmental justice, inter-generational justice, more than human worlds, technology and its implications in the climate crisis
  • Explications of values and needs from diverse users and their communities
  • Low-energy or zero carbon technologies and ways of life
  • The pursuit of artful experiences and aesthetic ways of being and doing
  • A robust and open politics
  • The prominent use of philosophy and other theory
  • The fostering of empathy, imagination, appreciation, and perception as community values

The subcommittee is epistemologically pluralistic, welcoming of a range of perspectives, approaches, and contributions that might take interpretivist, empirical, activist, political, ethical, critical, and/or pragmatic approaches to both societal challenges and how HCI research frames itself in relation to them. As a part of that commitment, we also champion diverse forms of scholarly expression in the CHI community, such as critical essays, research through design, practice-based research, design fictions, and commentaries.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Rob Comber, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Silvia Lindtner, University of Michigan


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Yuchen Chen, University of Michigan

Associate Chairs

  • Morgan G. Ames, UC Berkeley
  • Eli Blevis, Indiana University
  • Melissa Densmore, University of Capetown
  • Paul Dourish, University of California, Irvine
  • Sarah Fox, CMU
  • Patricia Garcia, University of Michigan
  • Jean Hardy, Michigan State University
  • Mike Hazas, Uppsala University
  • Vera Khovanskaya, UC San Diego
  • Michael Muller, IBM Research
  • Midas Nouwens, Aarhus University
  • Kathleen Pine, Arizona State University
  • Chiara Rossitto, Stockhom University
  • Niloufar Salehi, UC Berkeley
  • Ranjit Singh, AIGI, Data & Society Research Institute
  • Katta Spiel, TU Wien
  • Angelika Strohmayer, Northumbria University
  • Reem Talhouk, Northumbria University
  • Alex Taylor, City University London
  • Dhaval Vyas, University of Queensland
  • Ding Wang, Google Research India
  • Volker Wulf, University of Siegen

Example Papers

  • Ali Alkhatib. 2021. To Live in Their Utopia: Why Algorithmic Systems Create Absurd Outcomes. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21), 1–9.
  • Madeline Balaam, Rob Comber, Rachel E. Clarke, Charles Windlin, Anna Ståhl, Kristina Höök, and Geraldine Fitzpatrick. 2019. Emotion Work in Experience-Centered Design. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’19), 602:1-602:12.
  • Shaowen Bardzell. 2010. Feminist HCI: taking stock and outlining an agenda for design. 1301.
  • Eli Blevis. 2018. Seeing What Is and What Can Be: On Sustainability, Respect for Work, and Design for Respect. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’18), 1–14.
  • Marianela Ciolfi Felice, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, and Madeline Balaam. 2021. Resisting the Medicalisation of Menopause: Reclaiming the Body through Design. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–16. Retrieved June 15, 2021 from
  • Christina Harrington and Tawanna R Dillahunt. 2021. Eliciting Tech Futures Among Black Young Adults: A Case Study of Remote Speculative Co-Design. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21), 1–15.
  • Maria Håkansson and Phoebe Sengers. 2013. Beyond being green: simple living families and ICT. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’13), 2725–2734.
  • Nusrat Jahan Mim. 2021. Gospels of Modernity: Digital Cattle Markets, Urban Religiosity, and Secular Computing in the Global South. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21), 1–17.
  • Silvia Lindtner and Seyram Avle. 2017. Tinkering with Governance: Technopolitics and the Economization of Citizenship. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 1, CSCW: 70:1-70:18.
  • Elizabeth Kaziunas, Michael S. Klinkman, and Mark S. Ackerman. 2019. Precarious Interventions: Designing for Ecologies of Care. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3, CSCW: 113:1-113:27.
  • Ann Light, Alison Powell, and Irina Shklovski. 2017. Design for Existential Crisis in the Anthropocene Age. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T ’17), 270–279.
  • Noopur Raval and Paul Dourish. 2016. Standing Out from the Crowd: Emotional Labor, Body Labor, and Temporal Labor in Ridesharing. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW ’16), 97–107.
  • Yolande Strengers, Jathan Sadowski, Zhuying Li, Anna Shimshak, and Florian “Floyd” Mueller. 2021. What Can HCI Learn from Sexual Consent? A Feminist Process of Embodied Consent for Interactions with Emerging Technologies. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’21), 1–13.
  • Kaiton Williams. 2015. An Anxious Alliance. Aarhus Series on Human Centered Computing 1, 1: 11–11.

Computational Interaction

This subcommittee invites papers whose primary contribution improves our understanding on how to design interactive systems underpinned by computational principles of human-computer interaction, including applications of such systems. Typical papers study or enhance interaction underpinned by, for instance, machine learning, optimization, statistical modeling, natural language processing, control theory, signal processing and computer vision. Beyond simply applying such methods, they seek new ways to describe, predict, and change interaction and guide the design of interactive systems that rely on computational methods or demonstrate applications of such systems. Core contributions typically take the form of novel theories, methods, techniques, and systems for computational approaches in HCI, as well as reports of rigorous empirical studies of interactive systems supported by computational approaches. Contributions will be judged by their rigor, significance, validity, and practical or theoretical impact.

Accepted papers contribute to our understanding of computational methods in human use of computing. The subcommittee is not limited to algorithms but welcomes a broad range of contributions, including but not limited to:

  • Data set or analysis
  • Empirical study, including replication studies
  • Method
  • Theory and modeling
  • Design
  • Commentary or essay

An excellent paper advances knowledge of computational approaches in human-computer interaction. Even in algorithmic contributions, the human viewpoint is central and kept visible throughout. In particular, an excellent paper 1) addresses a well-scoped phenomenon in human use of computers; 2) rigorously introduces and argues for the chosen approach, including assumptions both about humans and the computational approach, as well as differences and similarities with previous work; 3) explicates the claimed contribution in terms of benefit or disadvantage to humans; 4) provides adequate evidence; and 5) offers a balanced discussion of the contribution, including generalizability and limitations. In addition, critical viewpoints and negative findings are welcome. For example, a critical commentary of social implications of machine intelligence, an empirical insight to algorithmic threats, or a failed replication study are valued as contributions in this subcommittee.

Subcommittee Chairs

  • Per Ola Kristensson, University of Cambridge
  • Rebecca Fiebrink, University of the Arts London
  • Xiaojun Bi, Stony Brook University


Subcommittee Chairs’ Assistants

  • Bo Kang, University of Cambridge

Associate Chairs

  • Nikola Banovic, University of Michigan
  • Andrea Bunt, University of Manitoba
  • Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen, UCLA
  • John Dudley, University of Cambridge
  • Anna Feit, Saarland University
  • Elena Glassman, Harvard University
  • Andrew Howes, University of Birmingham
  • Jussi P.P. Jokinen, University of Jyväskylä
  • Yuki Koyama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
  • Gierad Laput, Apple Inc.
  • Byungjoo Lee, Yonsei University
  • Luis Leiva, University of Luxembourg
  • Vera Liao, Microsoft Research Montréal
  • Brian Lim, National University of Singapore
  • Amy Pavel, University of Texas, Austin
  • Gonzalo Ramos, Microsoft Research
  • Mike Schaekermann, Waterloo University
  • Brian Smith, Columbia University
  • Simone Stumpf, University of Glasgow
  • Kashyap Todi, Facebook Reality Labs
  • Marynel Vazquez, Yale University
  • John Williamson, University of Glasgow
  • Qian Yang, Cornell University
  • John Zimmerman, Carnegie Mellon University

Example Papers

New Orleans skyline and trolley sketch