

Quick Facts

CHI 2022 is structured as a Hybrid-Onsite full conference from April 30–May 5 in New Orleans, LA.

Important Dates

All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE. Check your local time in AoE.

  • Submission deadline: January 13, 2022
  • Notification: February 17, 2022
  • e-rights completion deadline: February 24, 2022
  • initial upload to TAPS deadline: March 3, 2021
  • publication-ready deadline (including Video previews): March 17, 2022
  • 3- to 5-min video for presentation at the conference: March 17, 2022

Submission Details

  • Online submission: PCS Submission System
  • Template: ACM Master Article Submission Templates (single column)
  • Submission Format: Up to 6 pages (single column) including references, video figure, still image, and additional information describing what attendees will experience.
  • Additional publication-ready materials: 30 second teaser video, walkthrough video
  • Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information.

Selection Process


Note that submissions that have previously been shown at virtual conferences can be submitted to CHI 2022. See section “Resubmissions of previously presented virtual demos” for more information.


Heloisa Candello, David Lindlbauer, Pedro Lopes, Vinoba Vinayagamoorthy

At the Conference

Accepted Interactivity will be presented during the conference in the exhibition area or remotely.

After the Conference

Accepted Interactivity will be published as Extended Abstracts proceedings in the ACM Digital Library, but are considered non-archival publications.

Message from the Interactivity Chairs

The Interactivity track is a high-visibility, high-impact forum of the Technical Program that allows you to present your hands-on demonstration, share novel interactive technologies, and stage interactive experiences. We encourage submissions from any area of human computer interaction, games, entertainment, digital and interactive art, and design. Interactivity promotes and provokes discussion on novel technologies, and invites contributions from industry, research, startups, maker communities, the arts, and design. We actively encourage submissions that improve on the sustainability, accessibility, and equity and inclusiveness in human-computer interaction, computer science, and society at large. We furthermore encourage all authors to consider how their work has impact on those areas, and describe this in their submission.

CHI 2022 is planned as a hybrid event. As such, we want to foster a mix of exciting virtual and on-site interactive experiences. As attendees of the conference might be both remote and on-site, we are creating a program that fits the unique requirements of both. As in CHI 2021, we look for ingenious ways to provide high-quality remote interactive experiences to conference attendees (e.g. providing executable files to the audience ahead of time, live streaming both 3rd and 1st person views for VR scenarios, etc.). At the same time, we hope to be able to offer a great on-site event. We want it to be a physical celebration of this year’s most exciting interactive technologies and installations. If you have an interesting prototype, device, system, art performance, exhibit or installation, we want to know about it. Sharing hands-on experiences of your work is often the best way to communicate your novel creation.

We also invite submissions of demos that were shown at a previous virtual event. Please scroll down for more information.

We look forward to reading your proposal.

Preparing and Submitting Your Interactivity Submission

Before the submission deadline, you must submit a 6-page (single column) article detailing the work, a picture depicting the work, a video, and additional information detailing the requirements for the exhibit. All submissions should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information.

Since CHI 2022 is planned to be a hybrid conference. Authors will be able to select preferred format (on-site, online). All submissions should detail how their exhibit will work when presented as an online format. Additionally, we ask authors who plan to present their exhibit on-site to detail the experience. Note that we currently do not plan that presenters of on-site exhibits will interact live with on-line attendees, or that presenters of online exhibits will interact live with on-site attendees. We will continue to look for creative solutions to foster this cross-talk, and we will announce more details in the future.

Online Details

We ask all authors to detail how they will showcase their work to remote participants. The online platform will allow multiple attendees to be in the same virtual room, and enable authors to share their screen. We ask that you detail how you are going to limit your presentation time to a maximum of 5 minutes per person by providing the “elevator pitch” in the ‘Envisioned Online Interaction’ field in PCS (see below). This is especially important for demos based on wearables, AR/VR, haptics and other forms of devices that are more challenging to demonstrate in a remote format. We ask the authors how they envision their setup, including multiple cameras, broadcasting VR experiences as screen-share and having multiple presenters.

On-Site Details

We ask authors who would like to present at the physical conference to detail their envisioned setup. The organizers will provide you with a standard table, WiFi and electrical outlets. Additionally, presenters can request computer displays, dimmed lighting, and speakers. Due to the expected crowd during the Interactivity reception we will ask you to provide a plan for dealing with line-ups. We ask that you detail how you are going to limit your presentation time to a maximum of 5 minutes per person by providing the “elevator pitch” in the ‘Envisioned On-Site Interaction’ field in PCS (see below). This is especially important for demos based on wearables, AR/VR, haptics and other forms of devices that allow only one visitor to experience them at a time. We also ask you to detail how you plan to keep visitors waiting to experience your Interactivity. For instance, in the case of an Interactivity based on VR, we suggest that you mirror the VR headset’s display in an external screen, enabling the audience to be involved even though they are not experiencing it yet.

Previously-published work may be accepted into the Interactivity track, on the condition that the publication and presentation history is clearly outlined in the ‘Presentation History’ field in PCS, and that the submission is novel in that it was not demonstrated before at a scientific conference. Please see below section “Resubmissions of previously presented virtual demos”  for an exception for previously-shown demos at virtual-only conferences. CHI encourages authors of accepted papers to make a submission to the Interactivity track, although there is no formal association between Interactivity and accepted papers.

Submissions must have the following components:

  1. Paper (due at submission)
  2. Supplementary Video (due at submission)
  3. Still image  (due at submission)

Accepted submissions will be asked to provide the following additional mandatory components for the publication-ready version:

  • Preview video (30 second trailer)
  • Walkthrough video (interactive demonstration of the submission)

1. Paper

The paper should be up to 6-page long in the CHI format (single column), including references. It should be self-contained and clearly describe the novelty and distinguishing ideas of your project, even for readers who are not able to view the related demonstration at the conference or associated videos. Your paper should include:

  • A description of the system, installation or exhibit and the problem it addresses. Where relevant, discuss the broader context and questions that your work promotes reflection upon.
  • A description of the relevance of the work to the immediate CHI conference community, as well as to the broader CHI community, emphasizing its novelty, uniqueness, and rationale.

Authors must make their submissions (paper & video) accessible using recommendations found in the Guide to an Accessible Submission and Guide to a successful Video Submission.

2. Video

A video is the optimal medium to communicate your interactivity demo to the reviewers and provides an archive of the work. You must submit a video in addition to your written documentation. The video must be no longer than 5 minutes and all uploaded content (PDF(s) + image + video) must be less than 100 MB. Videos must also be made accessible and properly encoded. Check the CHI technical requirements for video content. Submitted videos will be used for review purposes. The videos may also be displayed at the Interactivity site and possibly on websites previewing CHI content. Be sure to have permission for all content, and use rights-free music tracks.

For accepted submissions, we might require an additional walkthrough video for online participants. We will send more details to accepted submissions closer to the conference.

3. Still Image

You are required to upload a still image of at least 1500 x 1200 px that represents your work, and a suitable image description. The image is required for publications and conference publicity.

4.i. Envisioned Online Interaction (PCS, 200 Words Max)

Alongside your submission, you are also required to provide the envisioned online interaction through the PCS System, that is an explicit description of how the interactivity will be demonstrated and live performed if the submission gets accepted. CHI will take care of providing a video streaming platform, so please focus on how you will on your end provide the online audience with the best possible experience.

4.ii. Envisioned On-Site Interaction (PCS, 200 Words Max, Optional)

Alongside your submission, you are also required to provide the envisioned on-site interaction through the PCS System, that is an explicit description of how the interactivity will be demonstrated and live performed if the submission gets accepted. This includes the use of physical space, how larger crowds are handled, and how the experience will be from an on-site attendee’s point of view.

Please note that you only have to complete this field if you plan to present your work on-site as well. If you are unsure if you will be able to attend the conference, we ask you to complete the field and contact the Interactivity Chair as soon as possible.

Interactivity Selection Process

Interactivity will be Curated and may include work that was invited or selected from other submissions. The selection process includes reviews by the Interactivity program committee (each submission will be reviewed by at least one Interactivity co-chair and one external reviewer), but will also take into account feasibility, available space at the conference, and other relevant information. Our intention is to ensure that the Interactivity track is exciting, while representing a range of projects being undertaken across diverse CHI and related communities. Note that because CHI interactivity is a curated track, you will not receive formal feedback on your submission other than the acceptance decision.

Demonstrators of all accepted interactivities will be expected to perform live demos during the conference, independent of the format (online or on-site).

Submissions should not contain sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time. Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the selection process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date may affect the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)

Resubmissions of previously presented virtual demos

There are a number of demos from conferences such as CHI, UIST, DIS, etc. that have been shown virtually since 2020, but never at an in-person event. As some authors have voiced the desire to present these demos previously shown only in virtual settings at our first onsite CHI event since 2019, we have made some accommodations to the interactivity process that allows authors to submit these demos for consideration for 2022. 

General formats for CHI 2022 Interactivity

During the submission process, authors will have the choice to present their demos as virtual-only and virtual+physical demos. The focus of virtual-only demos will lie on presentation of recorded videos, asynchronous discussion and short online events. Virtual+physical demos will additionally show their work during the in-person event. Every physical demo will have a virtual counterpart, therefore physical-only will not be an option.

Previously accepted virtual demos

We consider two different scenarios that influence how the submitted work will be judged.

  • Scenario 1. Authors request to show previous virtual demo without a new entry in the ACM DL

Authors of demos that have been shown previously at a virtual event will submit the previously submitted materials through PCS as a virtual+physical demo, and will be evaluated together with all other submissions. The previously shown interactivity will not be taken into account with respect to the novelty of the submission. If accepted for CHI 2022 Interactivity, the authors will be asked to present their work at the onsite event. No new entry to the ACM DL will be generated. The item will be visible in the program, and linked to the previous ACM DL item. 

  • Scenario 2. Authors request to show previous virtual demo with a new entry in the ACM DL

Authors of demos that have been shown previously at a virtual event will submit their new materials through PCS as a virtual+physical demo, and will be evaluated together with all other submissions. The submission will be treated like any other newly submitted demo. The previously shown interactivity will be taken into account with respect to the novelty of the submission. If accepted for CHI 2022 Interactivity, the authors will be asked to present their work at the onsite event and a new entry to the ACM DL will be generated. 


The Interactivity chairs will aim to balance new demos and previously shown ones. Priority will be given to new (i.e., never accepted) demos.

Upon Acceptance of Your Interactivity Submission

Interactivity authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 17th February 2022. Authors of accepted submissions will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit the publication-ready version, and details on the demonstrations presentation and scheduling at the conference. All authors must use the instructions for accessible PDFs to make final generated PDF and accessible. Videos must also be made accessible through the inclusion of captions in final submission.

Authors of accepted submissions will also be asked to submit a 30-second video preview summarizing the work; this is optional, but highly encouraged, as it will increase the visibility of your Interactivity before, at the conference, and in the ACM digital library in perpetuity. See here for technical requirements and guidelines for videos at CHI. The video preview must be submitted before the video preview deadline. Video previews count towards the total submission size of 100MB, so we recommend that the publication ready source files submission does not exceed 80MB.

During the Conference

Online submissions

If accepted to Interactivity, you will be assigned a dedicated space on the online conferencing platform used for the CHI 2022 interactivities. You will be asked to present your exhibit live to online attendees, likely in two separate slots. We will provide more details closer to the conference.

On-site submissions

If accepted to the on-site Interactivity, you will be assigned a dedicated space in the exhibition hall at CHI 2022. You will be asked to present your exhibit likely during one event at the conference. We will provide more details on logistics including the exact floor plan closer to the conference.

All interactivities will be asked to share recorded walk-throughs of their exhibits that can be shared with all attendees before and during the conference.

Lastly, if you did not make the Interactivity submission deadline on time but still have a CHI project that you want to showcase (typically an accepted CHI paper), please get in touch with us to book one of the additional “hotspots” that we can provide. These hot spots will be available on a first-come first-serve basis.

After the Conference

Accepted Interactivities papers and videos are not considered Archival Publications but will be distributed in the CHI Conference Extended Abstracts in the ACM Digital Library. Interactivity papers that are associated with accepted CHI Papers will link to the associated archival publication.

If, when submitting to this venue, you detect a conflict of interest with one of its program committee members, contact the chairs. Should you have a conflict with the venue chairs themselves, contact the technical program chairs (

New Orleans skyline and trolley sketch