Late-Breaking Work
Quick Facts
CHI 2022 is structured as a Hybrid-Onsite full conference from April 30–May 5 in New Orleans, LA.
Important Dates
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE. Check your local time in AoE.
- Submission deadline: January 13, 2022
- Notification: February 17, 2022
- e-rights completion deadline: February 24, 2022
- initial upload to TAPS deadline: March 3, 2021
- publication-ready deadline (including Video previews): March 17, 2022
- 3-min video for presentation at the conference: March 17, 2022
Submission Details
- Online submission: PCS Submission System
- Template: ACM Master Article Submission Templates (single column)
- Submissions must be up to 8 pages long (not including references).
- Submissions are anonymous and should not include any author names, affiliations, and contact information.
- Authors should pay attention towards ensuring the accessibility of their submissions using recommendations found in the Guide to an Accessible Submission. If you have any questions or concerns about creating accessible submissions, please contact the Accessibility Chairs at
Appendix and Page Limit
Appendix can fall under two categories:
- information that is essential to the understanding of the paper (e.g. study protocol, statistical analysis, etc.), in which case, this should be indeed included in the paper and will count towards the page limit
- supplementary material that is not needed to get a good understanding of the paper, but may provide additional details, e.g. for replication. That kind of material may be included in the supplementary material part (not in the main paper) and as such do not count towards the page limit.
Please keep in mind that reviewers are not expected to have to check the supplementary material to get a good understanding of the potential study, analysis or results.
Selection Process
Juried (see section “How are LBWs Reviewed?” below)
Louise Barkhuus, Kashyap Todi, Simon Perrault, Shaimaa Lazem
At the Conference
Accepted LBWs will be presented as posters during CHI 2022. Details regarding presentation will be provided with acceptance notifications.
What are Late-Breaking Works?
The Late-Breaking Works (LBWs) track provides the CHI community with an opportunity to present new and exciting contributions that showcase innovative technologies, extend prior research conversations, detail short self-contained studies, or provide provocations for new work and ideas to emerge. We welcome submissions around a diversity of topics and methodologies. Examples might include:
- An original and innovative technology, technique, or prototype with or without an accompanying evaluation
- A short qualitative or quantitative study with a complete analysis
- A “sequel” to a prior research contribution
- A “prequel” to motivate or provoke novel conversations or future work
- A theoretical or methodological contribution that provokes novel conversations for the discipline
We encourage all members of the CHI community and newcomers to submit Late-Breaking Works to elicit useful feedback, foster discussions, and share valuable and original ideas at the conference.
All LBW submissions are semi-archival. Authors may re-use and re-submit the content to other peer-reviewed venues (e.g., could be reused in a CHI 2023 full paper submission).
How are LBWs Reviewed?
LBWs submissions are reviewed through a Juried process, and receive light feedback from reviewers. The criteria for evaluation are as follows:
- Contribution of the LBW to CHI 2022: Does this work present research contributions or ideas that will stimulate interesting conversation among CHI attendees?
- Significance: How important is the problem or question that this submission addresses? Is there an audience at CHI that would find this work influential and/or compelling?
- Originality: How does the work build on, or speak to, existing work in the area? Does it make a novel contribution?
- Validity: How well are the chosen methods described and justified within the submission?
- Clarity: How clear, understandable, and targeted is the writing? To what extent does the abstract conform to all formatting requirements and the 8-page limit?
The submission should contain no sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at the time of publication. All submissions are considered confidential during review. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity.
If you are not familiar with LBW submissions, you can find previously published extended abstracts on the ACM Digital Library for reference: CHI 2020 Extended Abstracts (see section “SESSION: Late-Breaking Works”).
What Happens after LBWs are Accepted?
Authors of accepted submissions will receive instructions via email regarding how to prepare and submit their publication-ready versions and video previews, as well as details on the logistics of poster presentation at CHI 2022. All authors are strongly encouraged to use the instructions for accessible PDFs to make final PDFs more accessible. Accepted LBWs will be made available in the ACM Digital Library two weeks before CHI. Details follow.
Publication-Ready Versions
Authors of accepted submissions will receive short feedback on changes to be made to their LBWs for the publication-ready deadline. They are encouraged but not required to make edits to their submissions before submitting publication-ready versions of the same.
Video Previews
Authors of accepted submissions will be asked to submit a 30-second video preview summarizing the paper; this is optional, but highly encouraged, as it will increase the visibility of the work before and at the conference, and in the ACM digital library in perpetuity. See here for technical requirements and guidelines for videos at CHI. Keep in mind the deadline for submitting your video preview. Video previews count towards the total submission size of 100MB, so we recommend that the publication-ready submission not exceed 80MB.
Poster Presentations
Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their poster to CHI 2022 attendees, potentially over two consecutive days. Posters should include (1) the title, authors’ names, and affiliations, (2) a concise overview of the research, (3) clear illustrations of key aspects of the LBWs, and (4) a compelling visual design. Posters might also include QR codes to link to online materials (e.g., scenario videos, interactive prototypes). At the conference, no power outlets, nor any audiovisual/competing equipment will be provided. At least one author must be in attendance to present the poster. The typical poster size recommended is a maximum of ~39.3 inches tall by ~39.3 inches wide (or a maximum of 1 meter tall by 1 meter wide).
Inclusion in the ACM Digital Library
The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of CHI 2022. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. At least one author of an accepted submission should register and present their poster at the conference (may be remotely for a hybrid/virtual conference). Presentation information will be sent by email to authors and available in the Guide to a Successful Presentation. Failing to present the work at the conference may result in withdrawal from the ACM Digital Library. Copyright is retained by the authors, and the material from them can be used as the basis for future publications as long as there are “significant” revisions from the original. For more information on the republishability of material appearing at CHI, along with links to relevant ACM policies, please see the section on Republishability on the main CHI 2022 Call for Participation.
Additional PDF Accessibility Advice
- A trial version of Adobe Acrobat Pro is available, and it will let you tag papers (
- Speak to your co-authors to see if they have the resources to help make your paper accessible. Learning how to do PDF tagging will benefit our community in the long run.
- If the above steps are not possible, you can send the PDF to the Accessibility Chairs at However, please refrain from sending us your PDF too early. We want to reduce repeated efforts and if your paper needs to go through TAPS again, then it will need to be retagged. Send the PDF after you are confident no more corrections will need to be made.
Late-Breaking Work Committee
- Abiodun Ogunyemi, Tallinn University
- Ahreum Lee, University of Eastern Finland
- Alberto Monge Roffarello, Politecnico di Torino
- Alex Mazursky, University of Chicago
- Alexandra Kitson, Simon Fraser University
- Alexandra To, Northeastern University
- Amna Liaqat, University of Toronto
- Amon Rapp, University of Torino
- Ana Correia de Barros, Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS
- André Rodrigues, Universidade de Lisboa
- Andreas Komninos, University of Patras
- Andrii Matviienko, Technical University of Darmstadt
- Aneesh Tarun, Ryerson University
- Ángel Alexander Cabrera, Carnegie Mellon University
- Anna De Liddo, The Open University
- Annu Prabhakar, University of Cincinnati
- April Wang, University of Michigan
- Aristides Mairena, University of Saskatchewan
- Arshad Nasser, City University Of Hong Kong
- Arup Kumar Ghosh, Jacksonville State University
- Ashwin Ram, National University of Singapore
- Auk Kim, Kangwon National University
- Benett Axtell, University of Toronto
- Bon Adriel Aseniero, Autodesk Research
- Brian McInnis, UC San Diego
- Camellia Zakaria, Singapore Management University
- Chengshuo Xia, Keio University
- Chuang-Wen You, National Tsing Hua University
- Chun-Hua Tsai, University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Claudia Daudén Roquet, King’s College London
- Colin Stanley, Namibia University of Science and Technology
- Damien Masson, University of Waterloo
- Danilo Gasques, University of California San Diego
- Danilo Giglitto, Sheffield Hallam University
- Daricia Wilkinson, Clemson University
- Deepika Yadav, IIIT-Delhi
- Dilara Keküllüoğlu, University of Edinburgh
- Dilisha Patel, University College London
- Dipto Das, University of Colorado Boulder
- Don Samitha Elvitigala, The University of Auckland
- Donald Degraen, Saarland University and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
- Ebtisam Alabdulqader, King Saud University
- Eleonora Mencarini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
- Eun-Young Ko, KAIST
- Evgeny Stemasov, Ulm University
- Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Carleton University
- Fiona Draxler, LMU Munich
- Florian Mathis, University of Glasgow
- Florian Müller, LMU Munich
- Florine Simon, University of Toulouse
- George E. Raptis, University of Patras
- Gionnieve Lim, Singapore University of Technology and Design
- Giuseppe Desolda, University of Bari Aldo Moro – Computer Science Department
- Gözel Shakeri, University of Oldenburg
- Hafeni Mthoko, University of Namibia
- Hancheng Cao, Stanford University
- Hariharan Subramonyam, Stanford University
- Harpreet Sareen, Parsons School of Design
- Hawra Rabaan, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, IUPUI
- Hemant Surale, University of Waterloo
- Hiroki NISHINO, Kochi University of Technology
- Hsiang-Ting Chen, University of Adelaide
- Hyunggu Jung, University of Seoul
- Hyunyoung Kim, University of Birmingham
- Ivo Benke, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Ivonne Monarca, CICESE
- Jaisie Sin, University of Toronto
- Jamie Mahoney, Northumbria University
- Jan Van den Bergh, Hasselt University
- Jas Brooks, University of Chicago
- Jasmine Lu, University of Chicago
- Jason Wu, Carnegie Mellon University
- Jay Henderson, University of Waterloo
- Jayati Dev, Indiana University
- Jean Song, DGIST
- Jeffrey C. F. Ho, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Jérémie Garcia, ENAC – Université de Toulouse
- Jie Gao, Singapore University of Technology and Design
- Jomara Sandbulte, University of Minnesota Duluth
- Jordi Solsona Belenguer, Stockholm University
- Joshua Newn, Lancaster University
- Jotaro Shigeyama, Hasso Plattner Institute
- Julia Woodward, University of Florida
- Kagonya Awori, Microsoft
- Kaixing Zhao, Northwestern Polytechnical University
- Karthik Mahadevan, University of Toronto
- Kasper Rodil, Aalborg University
- Katelynn Kapalo, University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Katherine Fennedy, National University of Singapore
- Kenny Tsu Wei Choo, Singapore University of Technology and Design
- Khanh-Duy Le, ABB Corporate Research
- Konstantin Aal, University of Siegen
- Lawrence Kim, Stanford University
- Linda Hirsch, LMU Munich
- Lindah Kotut, University of Washington
- Lubna Razaq, University of Washington
- Maarten Houben, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Maha Elgarf, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Mahdi Nasrullah Al-Ameen, Utah State University
- Manikant Roy, IIT Delhi
- Manjiri Joshi, IIT Bombay
- Maria Karyda, Ulm University
- Mark Colley, University of Regensburg
- Martin Kocur, University of Southern Denmark
- Maulishree Pandey, University of Michigan
- Max Krüger, University of Siegen
- Meng Xia, KAIST
- Mennatallah Saleh, Technical University in Berlin
- Michael Crabb, University of Dundee
- Mihai Bâce, University of Stuttgart
- Mohamed Ezzaouia, University of Lyon
- Mohammad Rashidujjaman Rifat, University of Toronto
- Moses Namara, Clemson University
- Mustafa Naseem, University of Michigan
- Narendra Nath Joshi, IBM
- Naveena Karusala, University of Washington
- Neeraj Chatlani, University of Central Florida
- Ngoc Thi Nguyen, Singapore University of Technology and Design
- Nina Gerber, Technical University Darmstadt
- Nivedita Arora, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Nusrat Jahan Mim, Harvard University
- Nuwan Janaka, National University of Singapore
- Ollie Hanton, University of Bristol
- Pascal Knierim, LMU Munich
- Passant ElAgroudy, LMU Munich
- Patrizia Di Campli San Vito, University of Glasgow
- Philipp Wintersberger, TU Wien
- Qiushi Zhou, University of Melbourne
- Rahul Arora, Meta Reality Labs
- Reza Ghaiumy Anaraky, Clemson University
- Reza Hadi Mogavi, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Riku Arakawa, The University of Tokyo
- Roshan Peiris, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Rufat Rzayev, Technische Universität Dresden
- Ruolin Wang, UCLA
- Sabirat Rubya, Marquette University
- Saelyne Yang, School of Computing, KAIST
- Sam W. T. Chan, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, The University of Auckland
- Sang Ho Yoon, KAIST
- Sarah Morrison-Smith, Barnard College
- Sarah Theres Völkel, LMU Munich
- Seungwoo Je, KAIST
- Shah Rukh Humayoun, San Francisco State University
- Shan Zhang, National University of Singapore
- Sharifa Sultana, Cornell University
- Sherry Tongshuang Wu, University of Washington
- Shriti Raj, University of Michigan
- Shuo Niu, Clark University
- Sruthi Viswanathan, Naver Labs Europe
- Stine Johansen, Aalborg University
- Sukran Karaosmanoglu, Universität Hamburg
- Tamanna Motahar, University of Utah
- Tarek Mokhtar, Alfaisal University
- Teresa Hirzle, Ulm University
- Tezira Wanyana, University of Cape Town
- Thijs Roumen, Hasso Plattner Institute
- Thippaya Chintakovid, Chulalongkorn University
- Tianshi Li, Carnegie Mellon University
- Tianyi Wang, Purdue University
- Tingyu Cheng, Interactive Computing
- Vikram Kamath Cannanure, Carnegie Mellon University
- Vinitha Gadiraju, University of Colorado Boulder
- Vit Rusnak, Masaryk University
- Xiang Li, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
- Xiyao Wang, University of Victoria
- Yasmeen Abdrabou, Bundeswehr University Munich
- Yi-Chi Liao, Aalto University
- Yi-Hao Peng, Carnegie Mellon University
- Yomna Abdelrahman, Bundeswehr University Munich
- Yoonseo Choi, KAIST
- Youngwook Do, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Yue Jiang, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
- Zheng Yao, Carnegie Mellon University
If, when submitting to this venue, you detect a conflict of interest with one of its program committee members, contact the chairs. Should you have a conflict with the venue chairs themselves, contact the technical program chairs (