The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). CHI – pronounced 'kai' – annually brings together researchers and practitioners from all over the world and from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and positionalities, who have as an overarching goal to make the world a better place with interactive digital technologies.

CHI 2022 is structured as a Hybrid-Onsite full conference from April 30–May 5 in New Orleans, LA.

General Program Hybrid Conference In-person conference

CHI2022 WrapUp

After a few weeks, we take the opportunity to look back and reflect on the CHI experience. 


More people reported cases of COVID infections than we had hoped. We always knew COVID infection was a risk at the conference, and took the steps we could – including having a strong online option for the conference.

As of writing, 127 people reported positive cases to the ACM. Of course, that number is likely higher – given that people may not have reported. Without asking people to report negative tests as well, we can’t really even generate a response rate. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a 5% or 10% infection rate. Anyone getting sick is bad, and some realized their worst fears about in-person conferences. For everyone, we’ve reflected deeply on every cough, every moment of anxiety, and every hour stolen from already absent loved ones.

We could go back and forth about the steps we took to prevent COVID at the conference, or where the infections stemmed from. We’re not epidemiologists, so we’d be bad at that. There are really only two questions that matter: Should we have had an in-person conference? What should the next in-person conference do?

In terms of whether we should have had an in-person conference, we stand by our decision to have an in-person version of the conference. Everyone should be able to make the choices to protect their health without sacrificing their careers, so we need to put more thought into meaningful online experiences.  For advice for future conferences, it’s important to think about that hybrid experience and how the online experience creates value for people. In terms of future conferences meeting in person, we hope they have less infection than we saw. However, this may be the world we live in for a while – where we have to do our best to protect the safety of people in person, while realizing we have limited abilities to control outcomes.

How Hybrid Went

Our goal this year was to privilege a form of hybrid that emphasized synchronous presentation and interaction. We also wanted to allow both presenters and audience maximum flexibility, as we realized people would be deciding often at the last minute whether they would be in person or not. As with all decisions, we also prioritized accessibility as one of the major criteria that our system should have.

Frankly speaking, nothing worked as well as we hoped. The system was too clunky, and the flexibility we hoped for from AV turned mostly into points of potential failure. What worked and what didn’t? 

  • WORKED: The SIGCHI Progressive Web App. This app worked consistently and well. With some minor additions, it really could be a center for a conference’s hybrid strategy.
  • DID NOT WORK: Online platforms. People often got confused if they were in Hubb, or Zoom, or what. We had hoped we had found one vendor that would create a single online experience, but when that didn’t work, we had to pivot to other solutions in the moment to make our interaction goals work.
  • MIXED BAG: The AV set up. The AV industry has been hit hard by the pandemic. In addition, to save money we had hoped to use less staff and more volunteers. Overall, we spent 3x more on AV than any previous CHI – which is necessary because of the synchronous hybrid goal. Things got better quickly, but it was a rocky start.
  • WORKED: Discord. While it was “yet another platform”, it was free and worked consistently well.

There are teams at both the CHI Steering Committee and the SIGCHI Executive Committee post-gaming hybrid experiences and trying to make recommendations for the future. The scale of CHI is a challenge on many levels, but there are some consistent issues all conferences are facing.


This is an issue that surprised us – breakdowns in how we treated each other.

It’s interesting to think why this is. To some extent, norms have changed over the pandemic, often for the better. For example, people are more willing to say something if they feel uncomfortable. People have a better sense of what harassment is and feel more like they can report when conversations cross a line. That’s all good.

Another effect might be the general anxiety we feel from the ongoing pandemic expressing itself on underserving targets. The student volunteers were often the targets of bad behavior in the rooms they were helping to support. That’s never acceptable. Our hope is that this was unusual behavior shaped by stress, because we will not ever condone bad treatment of our SVs.

While some norms have seen positive change over time, some have changed for the worse. One of those we saw was the tendency to state things in sensationalist or absolutist terms in order to receive approbation. We see this all the time on social media, where signals of attention are poor so some people post the most extreme version of their message in order to get a reaction. 

Everyone deserves to feel safe at the CHI conference. No one should feel demeaned because of their country of origin, their research area, or their institutional affiliation among other things. While it’s a good thing that we raise critical points about issues in the tech industry, it’s possible to do so without demonizing or trying to score points. Whatever issues one has with any institution, the people at our conference who are part of that institution still deserve to feel safe and not demeaned. We will work better in the future to help our keynotes understand these values.

We continue to grow and learn to act better. This year tested and executed on our anti-harassment policies, but in that test we saw positive outcomes. Justice and safety for our members is a process, but we are encouraged by what parts of that process we saw.

Survey Results

A total of 749 people responded to the request to fill out the post-conference survey. 582 reported attending in person, 148 virtual, and 19 didn’t report their mode of attendance. This means that response rates for the virtual mode of the conference (~8%) are quite a bit worse than for those who attended the in-person mode (~29%). We don’t know why the response rates are so different.

A bar chart showing the frequency of Likert category responses to the question “How valuable was your CHI experience?” The pattern is that most people reported a high value in the conference.

One of the most essential questions we ask, and really the essential dependent variable we ask year-to-year is “How valuable was your CHI experience?” This is measured on a 5 point Likert scale where 1 is “Not at all valuable” and 5 is “Very Valuable”. When we collapse the modes of the conference, overall the ratings were fairly high. The median score is 4, and the mean is 4.27. The bar chart below shows the overall pattern.

A bar chart showing the frequency of Likert category responses to the question “How valuable was your CHI experience?” The pattern is that most people reported a high value in the conference.

The numbers look different when we compare the virtual and in-person modes. 


A bar chart showing the frequency of Likert category responses to the question “How valuable was your CHI experience?” The pattern is that most people reported a high value in the conference.


Alt text: a bar chart showing the frequency of Likert responses for in-person participants.

Descriptive StatsIn-PersonVirtual
N (Valid)576148
N (Missing)60
Mode 5.004.00

As usual with CHI, people value different parts of the conference. The chart below shows different ratings by different parts of CHI. It’s impossible to experience ALL of CHi, and in general people seemed pretty happy with the parts in which they participated.

 A series of stacked bar charts showing likert scale ratings for each technical program at CHI2022.

We asked people about how CHI2022 dealt with COVID-19. In general, people felt like the organizers did a decent job with the measures in place.

Q9. Do you agree or disagree that organizers adequately considered COVID-19 protocols at the convention center?

A horizontal bar chart showing likert responses to the question “Organizers adequately considered COVID-19 protocols.” The overall pattern is either agree or strongly agree to that statement.

In the open-ended responses, two possible different measures were mentioned. One was to encourage daily testing by participants. The second was to not offer food at breaks and receptions, given that sharing food obviated to some extent the benefits of masking. Participants also felt like they weren’t as careful as they could have been.

Q11. How informed did you feel regarding the conference’s COVID-19 protocols before attending the conference?

A horizontal bar chart showing the response frequencies to the question “I was informed regarding the conference’s COVID-19 protocols.”

There’s a lot more to the survey, all of which is being considered by the CHI Steering Committee and SIGCHI Executive Committee. For instance, having a cash bar was controversial. Some people loved it, some people felt like it didn’t go far enough in removing alcohol from the conference, and some people hated the move as punishing all attendees while not really preventing harassment. 


In summary, there are some things we’d like to change about how CHI2022 happened, given the clarity of being after the fact. However, we are also proud of the event that happened given the uncertainty, complexity and sheer difficulty of putting the event together during the pandemic. We want to end by appreciating the incredibly hard work of all of the volunteers who put time into the conference. This was very much like organizing 2.5 conferences, and it could not have happened without extraordinary effort by our organizing team.

General Program

Equity & Justice Initiatives at CHI 2022

Equity & Justice Initiatives at CHI 2022

CHI 2022 is committed to creating an equitable, just, and accessible environment that is safe for everyone to conduct their professional meet-ups. This accounts for both virtual and in-person parts of CHI 2022. Here, you’ll find an overview of those efforts. In case you have any questions, issues or requests not covered here, please contact Christina Harrington and Katta Spiel at


The Accessibility chairs (Dhruv Jain, Garreth Tigwell, Zainab AlMeraj, Venkatesh Potluri and Kotaro Hara) work towards ensuring that different physical and digital access needs among the committee, presenters, and attendees are met swiftly and adequately. However, beyond a notion of making CHI ADA compliant, we strive towards building a welcoming environment for CHI attendees and will specifically attend to how we may create spaces attuned to disability culture(s). You can find out more about our efforts or reach the chairs at


The Family chairs (Pamela Gibbs and Annika Wolf) facilitate options for attendees to participate in the conferences with their children. They have provided a resource list of potential activities for families in New Orleans and are available to you at

Social Justice Events

Social Justice Event chairs (Minha Lee, Patrick Gage Kelley, and Rua Williams) have planned activities and meet-ups oriented toward addressing Social Justice issues more generally. The two sessions happen on Monday (Social Justice 1: Towards a Collective Manifesto and Tuesday (Social Justice 2: The Intersection of Allyship and Social Justice Feel free to contact them in case of questions at

Global Inclusion & Equity

To decrease the barriers of access for communities around the world, the Global Inclusion & Equity chairs (Annu Sible Prabhakar, Cuauhtémoc Rivera-Loaiza, Eiad Yafi, Jones Yeoba, and Marisol Wong-Villacres) organize the Global Plaza, providing opportunities for our global communities to lower barriers to participation and support networking efforts. You can contact them at


The Sustainability chairs (Parisa Eslambolchilar, Jason Jacques, Pedro Reynolds-Cuellár, and Kristin Williams) have advised the conference on purchasing decisions, hybrid conferencing, carbon offsetting, and collect data to shape CHI’s environmental impact for the better in both the short and long term. If you have any questions or suggestions, leave them at


Finally, the Allyship chairs (Siobahn Day Gray, Rina Wehbe, and Christine Bauer) have established our Policies against Discrimination and Harassment, further developed the allyship crash course and organised a fireside chat on allyship. Any requests or further input and info on how you can support these efforts can be garnered by contacting them at

Additionally, the following SIGCHI CARES representatives are present at CHI 2022:
In Person: Rosanna Bellini, Nazanin Andalibi, Stevie Chancellor
Online: Michael Muller, Helena Mentis, Andrea Parker, Rina R. Wehbe

General Program

How Does CHI Happen?

How Does CHI Happen?

As we move into the conference, we thought it would be interesting to give a peek behind the curtain and describe some of the work that it takes to get CHI done. Especially this year, CHI is a big and complex beast.

How did it end up in New Orleans?

Locations for the conference are chosen by the CHI Steering Committee ( The SC is comprised of former general chairs, technical program chairs, papers chairs and a representative from SIGCHI Access. They have already done a long blog post ( on how site selection happens. Key for us, the site is chosen well before any volunteers are recruited for the organizing committee.

Cliff was there for that decision, and there were lots of great reasons to pick New Orleans. UIST had recently had a successful conference there. The convention center was more than capable of meeting our needs. The site is relatively inexpensive compared to others. And NOLA is one of the US’s great cities.

How do General Chairs get picked?

Being a General Chair for CHI is a tough gig. When the Steering Committee is picking General Chairs, they are looking for people with long experience with the conference, or with other leadership roles successfully completed in SIGCHI. For this year, they chose Cliff, and he asked Simone to partner up with him. When thinking about the team, you want a series of good components in place. Both members should be experienced, and it’s helpful if they have complementary experiences. It’s helpful if they come different research areas, or represent different groups in SIGCHI (across a wide variety of dimensions). And of course, they should hopefully work well together.

General chairs have to be approved by the CHI Steering Committee and the SIGCHI Executive Committee. Cliff and Simone have been working on CHI2022 since January 2020.

What do General Chairs do? In describing this to our own team, we often joke that our biggest role is to be in charge of the budget. That’s a big job, especially this year when there were so many unknowns introduced by the pandemic and our hybrid conference. Another important role is to solicit the rest of the large crew of volunteers needed to make the conference run. We interact most closely with the vendors, writing statements of work, interviewing vendors, selecting them, working with them on their many aspects of the conference and deciding on the “experience” elements of the conference with them. Finally, it’s our job to balance all of the needs of the conference, meeting as many of them as we can with the budget we have. Oh, and we pick the keynotes!

How do Technical Program Chairs get picked?

The TPC role is huge. They manage all of the technical content of the conference. Every piece of content we have flows through them. They set policies, work with the chairs of the different programs in CHI, set the schedule for the conference, and work on all of the technical systems that comprise our back end, like PCS and QOALA.

In picking TPCs, you want people who have shown strong leadership in multiple roles in CHI or other SIGCHI activities. Technical expertise is a plus. In general, they have to be able to communicate effectively with a massively distributed team, resolve structural and individual issues quickly and effectively and work with all other aspects of the program to make sure the content matches the overall goals of the conference. TPCs are proposed by the General Chairs, and also have to be approved by the Steering Committee and the SIGCHI Executive Committee.

How do the Equity, Justice and Accessibility Chairs get picked?

This year, we created a new role for EJA chairs. This is in response to some discussions we’ve had for the past four years about equity issues, and when it is best to address them. The short answer is: the earlier the better. Therefore we wanted to have the EJA chairs as part of our planning process from the very beginning, and part of every decision making meeting.

We wanted EJA chairs who had long experience advocating for Equity and Justice in CHI and SIGCHI activities. We were looking for people who had shown leadership on these issues, and could help shape equitable practices.

The EJA chairs attend all of the meetings with the GCs and TPCs, which also includes many of our vendors. They lead a large team of additional volunteers with specific remits like accessibility, sustainability, allyship, family inclusion and more. They have helped shape many of the services and practices we have at the conference this year.

How do Papers Chairs get picked?

The Papers Chairs are in charge of the Papers program, which generates a good amount of content for the conference. Because of the complexity of the role, Papers Chairs are proposed by the TPCs, and have to be approved by the Steering Committee and Executive Committee. Papers chairs are often selected from existing Sub Committee Chairs, since that group has the most experience with the CHI Papers reviewing processes. This year, Steve was willing to carry over from having been a chair in 2021, creating continuity between years as well. The Papers chairs select and manage the Sub Committee chairs, who in turn select and manage Associate Chairs, who then select and manage external reviewers. It’s a massive undertaking, and we can’t thank this group enough.

How do the other chairs get picked?

The rest of the organizing committee was solicited via an open call for volunteers. We did that this year because we wanted to avoid over-depending on volunteers with whom we already had familiarity – which can lead people to have trouble breaking into CHI leadership roles. Almost all of our roles (about 120 people) were selected from this list of people who answered the open call. These selections were made by the GCs, TPCs and EJA chairs. This has enabled us to have many people who are leading a CHI team for the first time, which we think is a fantastic outcome.

How did you decide to have a hybrid conference?

Hooboy, Covid. As we all know, the past two years of CHI have been extremely affected by the pandemic. This year, we were also strongly affected, and at different points in our organizing over the last two years, it was really uncertain what the world would look like when the conference started.

With a lot of feedback from the community, we persisted in planning for an in-person CHI, but knew we would have to offer a strong online option for attending as well. The phrase we used often in our meetings was “no second class experiences” to guide our commitment to making both modes of CHI attendance as meaningful as we could make them.

There were a lot of unanticipated challenges to running a hybrid conference. We had to up our AV delivery considerably, and spent a lot of time talking to AV companies who would make an effective partner for us. Finding the right online platform was surprisingly challenging given the mix of needs that we have. Really, overall, it’s like planning two massive conferences at the same time. The future of hybridity for CHI will be an active conversation in coming years.

What does an average week look like in organizing?

Things definitely change by time. In the few months leading up to the conference, the General Chairs have 8-10 meetings a week with different teams. The entire “executive team” meets twice a week – which includes our TPCs, GCs, EJA chairs, chairs assistants, vendors, the ACM and whomever else can make it depending on the agenda. We meet separately with different vendors to talk virtual conference set up, food and beverage decisions, keynote preparation, AV set ups or whatever else needs to happen. We use Basecamp for most of our organizing, and respond to several hundred Basecamp messages a week. It’s a lot of communication, consensus building, decision making and listening as different issues arise.

CHI is a major enterprise that requires (considering all of the people who volunteered their time reviewing) thousands of people to make happen. Our fervent hope is that both the in-person and online event are meaningful for everyone attending. Our tagline is “Cultivating Communities” and the appropriate work we’ve done is to use all of the tools at our disposal to interact with, listen to, and work with the different communities that make up the CHI Conference. We hope to see you either in NOLA, or online, in just a couple of weeks.

General Program Hybrid Conference

Hubb(le) Bubble – CHI2022 Updates

Hubb(le) Bubble – CHI2022 Updates

It’s been wonderful to see so many registrations to the conference since we opened the system, and exciting to see the previews of papers people are posting online. We’re working hard to figure out this very weird CHI. As always, we appreciate your patience and you should feel free to contact Simone or I if you have any questions.

Here are some updates about the conference!

We will be using Hubb as our online conference platform

Hubb ( is a system that has been used by comparable conferences like SIGGRAPH and SuperComputing. As a team, we looked at a dozen different platforms, with a very deep dive of a final list of four platforms. The decision teams were the general chairs, technical program chairs, and equity, justice and accessibility chairs – with plenty of feedback from others. Considerations included cost, accessibility features, stability, team experience and similar parameters.

Our volunteers are working hard with Executive Events to structure the site, streamline processes and make sure data is moving between all of our systems. SPOILER: things will go wrong. These platforms are often only roughly parallel to what we need. We’re doing everything we can to make the experience great for online participants – but we’re sure problems will arise. When they do, we’ll be there to listen and learn.

We will be using Discord to help build community and connect

Following the work SIGCHI has done in building communities on Discord, we will have a CHI2022 Discord channel where people will be able to interact more informally. That site will be limited to registered members of CHI and will go away after CHI is over. Research in online communities show ephemerality can be a powerful tool. We’ll still be interacting with you over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and *of course* Hubb. Discord will be for fun and interaction.

We’re focusing our efforts on key content experiences

We had been planning to do a CHI preview event (a.k.a. the web exclusive) where some content was to be open and broadcasted a few weeks before the conference. While we were excited to offer a preview event, we decided to move to unlocking and opening some livestreams at the event itself by making them open for anyone to view, whether they are registered or not. Not only will these livestreams energize the conference with outreach, but they will also save time (for our volunteers and presenters) and reduce the overall monetary cost. We still have some details to work here, but we’ve removed references to the pre-conference event from our site. This does not affect the virtual courses and workshops that are scheduled before the main conference.

COVID Updates

At the time of this post, trends in the U.S. are looking decent. We’re now working on implementation details for our health and safety policies. For example, what full vaccination means, how to support testing, and what types of policies exist on the ground. We’ll be posting more about this after we have more conversations with some vendors we are working with.

General Program Hybrid Conference

Registration Now Open

Registration Now Open

We’re excited that registration for CHI2022 is now open for both the in-person conference as well as the online option. Here’s where to register:

A change this year is that we are following the example of CHI2021 in setting differential pricing by geographic region (see list of countries in each category below). We are extending that price reduction to the in-person conference fees in addition to maintaining the differential for the online conference registration rate.

We are still sorting out some of the COVID protocols that will be managed through registration, but we’ll make another announcement when we do.

We look forward to seeing you either online or in New Orleans in just a few months!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I do if I run into problems with the registration? Please contact our registration team at
  • How do I get an invitation letter for a visa application? If you need an invitation letter for a visa application, you will have an opportunity to ask for it when registering. The registration team will email you an invitation letter within two business days after the registration is confirmed.

Categories (country list) 

Category C

All countries not listed in category H or I.

Category H

  • Albania
  • Algeria
  • Angola
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Belize
  • Bosnia
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Bulgaria
  • Colombia
  • Cook Islands
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Fiji
  • French Guiana
  • Gabon
  • Georgia
  • Grenada
  • Guadeloupe
  • Guatemala
  • Guyana
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Jamaica
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kosovo
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • North Macedonia
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mauritius
  • Mexico
  • Montenegro
  • Namibia
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Romania
  • Russian Federation
  • Saint Lucia
  • Samoa
  • Serbia
  • South Africa
  • Sri Lanka
  • St. Vincent
  • Suriname
  • Thailand
  • Tonga
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Turkmenistan
  • Tuvalu
  • Venezuela

Category I 

  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Benin
  • Bhutan
  • Bolivia
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • C African Rp
  • Cambodia
  • Cameroon
  • Cape Verde
  • Chad
  • China
  • Comoros
  • Congo
  • Congo, Democratic Republic
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • El Salvador
  • Eritrea
  • Eswatini
  • Ethiopia
  • Federal State of Micronesia
  • Gambia
  • Ghana
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Ivory Coast
  • Kenya
  • Kiribati
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Mongolia
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
  • Myanmar
  • Nepal
  • Nicaragua
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • North Korea
  • Pakistan
  • Palestine
  • Papua New Guinea
  • People’s Dem. Republic of Lao
  • Philippines
  • Republic Moldova
  • Rwanda
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • Solomon Isl
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Sudan
  • Swaziland
  • Syria
  • Tadzhikistan
  • Tanzania
  • Timor-Leste
  • Togo
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Viet Nam
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe
General Program

SV T-Shirt Design Competition

SV T-Shirt Design Competition

Hello everyone,

It’s t-shirt design time! Every year we call on students to design the wonderful t-shirt that our SVs wear! If your design is selected, you get a free SV spot! That means you move off the waitlist, or if you’re already accepted, you can give the spot to a friend (as long as they are also a student). This year the deadline is Friday, February 11, 2022 and your submissions should be sent to with the subject: T-Shirt Design Contest.

Design Details

You may want to connect your design to the location (New Orleans), or not, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s respectful of local culture, fun, interesting, and can stand out a bit in the crowd.

Please send us front/back designs, noting that we cannot print on sleeves or the extreme edges of the shirts. Designs should be ONE color. In general, this means a black or white design on a colored shirt.

The imprint size is roughly 11″ wide and 13″ high front or back.

You can find the CHI 2022 logo information here: [CHI2022 Design Package]

Submissions Details

Mock-ups should be sent as PDF, JPG, or PNG in medium resolution. If your design is selected as a winning design, we will require the final version in an .eps or .ai format.

You may submit several designs or variations on a single design, should you so desire.

Please follow the following naming convention for each of your designs: lastname_firstname_tshirtdesign.<ext>

The deadline is Friday, February 11, 2022 at 23:59 AoE to submit your designs to with the subject: T-Shirt Design Contest. We will select a winner in the week following the end of the contest and notify the winner as well to everyone who submitted designs.

Here are some photos from previous SV T-shirts, courtesy of our wonderful past chair Haley MacLeod:

A collection of seven previous SV t-shirts

Thank you and we’re looking forward to seeing your creativity!

Bingjie Yu and Ciabhan Connelly
SV Chairs CHI 2022, New Orleans, LA

General Program

Equity, Justice, and Access Commitments

Equity, Justice, and Access Commitments

CHI 2022 is committed to creating an equitable, just, and accessible environment that is safe for everyone to conduct their professional meet-ups. Assuming a hybrid event, this accounts for both virtual and in-person parts of CHI 2022. We have dedicated Equity, Justice, and Access teams working independently and collaboratively towards this goal. Christina Harrington and Katta Spiel lead these teams with Anupriya Tuli and Cayley MacArthur serving as assistants to ensure high-level representation within the executive team for CHI 2022. Overall, our guiding ideals are to create a conference experience that is accessible and enjoyable for everyone contributing to and/or attending CHI. Please feel free to contact us at in case you miss any commitments here or have any other feedback. In the remainder of this post, we’ll introduce the individual teams.

General Program

Welcome to CHI 2022

Welcome to CHI 2022

On behalf of our organizing committee, we’d like to welcome you to CHI2022.

CHI2022 will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana – and barring major changes in the direction of the pandemic we anticipate meeting in person. More accurately, we will be having a hybrid conference, where some elements will be online, and some will be in-person. It’s too early to clearly say what the hybrid experience will look like, but we are committed to making sure all elements are engaging and exciting for participants. Our phrase has been “no second-class experiences” no matter the mode you attend CHI. We understand that while many are anxious to get back to in-person meetings, many need online experiences in order to equitably experience the conference. Between traditional cost barriers, concerns about sustainability, and uneven pandemic recovery, we know that we need to be able to deliver a first-class online CHI experience.